Hi, Readers today we are going to share with you an important and commonly used 100 Singular and Plural Words List with Rules Chart in English PDF given list is very helpful for those who are studying in school or wanna learn English.
A singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea.
EX: Boy, Teacher, Mango, bottle, Car, etc
A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
EX: Boys, Teachers, Mangoes, bottles, Cars, etc
Plural Noun Rules with Chart
Rule-1: Add -s at the end to convert singular to plural.
Book- Books, Cat- Cats
Rule-2: If a singular noun ends with s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add -es to make it plural.
Class- Classes, bus- buses, torch-torches, fox- foxes
Rule-3: If the singular noun ends with -s or -z, then require that you double the -s or -z prior to adding the -es for pluralization.
fez- fezzes
Rule-4: If a noun ends with -f or -fe, f is often changed to -ve before adding -s to make it plural.
Half- Halves
Rule-5: If a singular noun ends in ‑y and the letter before the -y is a consonant, change the ending to -ies to make the noun plural.
city- cities
Rule-6: If the singular noun ends in -y and the letter before the -y is a vowel, simply add an -s to make it plural.
ray- rays
Rule-6: If the singular noun ends in ‑o, add ‑es to make it plural.
Buffalo- Buffaloes

List of 100 Singular and Plural Words
Singular Words | Plural Words |
Army | Armies |
Apple | Apples |
Ass | Asses |
Baby | Babies |
Baby | Baby |
Bamboo | Bamboos |
Bench | Benches |
Bird | Birds |
Boat | Boats |
Bone | Bones |
Box | Boxes |
Boy | Boys |
Brother-in-law | Brothers-in-laws |
Buffalo | Buffaloes |
Bus | Buses |
Bush | Bushes |
Caddy | Caddies |
Calf | Calves |
Car | Cars |
Cat | Cats |
Chair | Chairs |
Chief | Chiefs |
Child | Children |
City | Cities |
Class | Classes |
Class fellow | Class fellows |
Cliff | Cliffs |
Clutch | Clutches |
Copy | Copies |
Country | Countries |
Cow | Cows |
Cry | Cries |
Cuckoo | Cuckoos |
Cup | Cups |
Daughter-in-law | Daughters-in-laws |
Day | Days |
Deck | Decks |
Deer | Deers |
Dog | Dogs |
Donkey | Donkeys |
Dozen | Dozens |
Duty | Duties |
Essay | Essays |
Family | Families |
Father | Fathers |
Father-in-law | Fathers-in-laws |
Fish | Fishes |
Fly | Flies |
Foot | Feet |
Fox | Foxes |
Gas | Gasses |
Glass | Glasses |
Hair | Hairs |
Half | Halves |
Hand | Hands |
Hero | Heroes |
Hoof | Hoofs |
Horse | Horses |
House | Houses |
Inch | Inches |
Jar | Jars |
Key | Keys |
Knife | Knives |
Lady | Ladies |
Lass | Lasses |
Leaf | Leaves |
Leg | Legs |
Life | Lives |
Loaf | Loaves |
Loof | Loops |
Love | Loves |
Maidservant | Maidservants |
Man | Men |
Mango | Mangoes |
Monkey | Monkeys |
Mother | Mothers |
Mother-in-law | Mothers-in-laws |
Mouse | Mice |
News | News |
Ox | Oxen |
Pencil | Pencils |
Penny | Pennies |
Person | People |
Pitch | Pitches |
Poetry | Poetries |
Potato | Potatoes |
Proof | Proofs |
Quiz | Quizzes |
Radio | Radios |
Ray | Rays |
River | Rivers |
Scissor | Scissors |
Self | Selves |
Sheep | Sheeps |
Shop | Shops |
Singular | Plural |
Singular noon | Plural noun |
Sister | Sisters |
Sister-in-law | Sisters-in-laws |
Sky | Skies |
Son-in-law | Sons-in-laws |
Stepson | Stepsons |
Story | Stories |
Table | Tables |
Thief | Thieves |
Tooth | Teeth |
Toy | Toys |
Trouser | Trousers |
Uncle | Uncles |
Watch | Watches |
Wife | Wives |
Wish | Wishes |
Woman | Women |