12th Chemistry Practical Book PDF

Hello friends, in this article, I am sharing the Class 12th Chemistry Practical Book PDF with you, which you can use to prepare your practical file for the 12th board exam. This practical book includes stepwise instructions that will provide you with a lot of help while conducting your experiments.

Whether you are taking the 12th board exam from any board, you will have to take practical exams in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. These marks will be added to your total score.

12th Chemistry Practical Book PDF in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali

We all know that to gain admission to a good university, you have to work hard in 12th grade. Admission to a college is based solely on the marks obtained in 12th grade. Therefore, in order to get into a good college, you must work very hard in 12th grade. Practical exams also play an important role in this, as it is in your hands to score marks in the written exam of a subject. However, in practical exams, the marks completely depend on the examiner.

That is, if your marks in the written exam do not come as per your wish, then you can apply for rechecking, but if you get fewer marks in your practical, then you will not be able to apply for rechecking, so you should make your practical notebook carefully.

How to write 12th Class Chemistry Practical?

  • In the beginning, you have to write the purpose of the experiment, which shows what you are doing in practical.
  • After that, you have to write the name of the apparatus to be used during the experiment.
  • Write the required chemicals used in practical.
  • In the next step, a procedure is written to do the experiment, on the basis of which you can do the experiment properly.
  • If any diagram is required for practical explanation, then it is made on the left page.
  • After writing the procedure, an observation table is made in which the changes that occur after the experiment are written.
  • If there is any kind of calculation then it is written on the left page.
  • In its next step, the result of the experiment is written.
  • In the end, things to be noted and precautions to be taken during the practical are written.
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Marking Scheme

At the time of the Chemistry practical exam, you are given a copy, in which you have to do practical. You have to write two experiments, which are of 8-8 marks. Apart from this, 4 marks are given for project work. The weightage of Content-Based Experiments is 6 marks.

The examiner asks you different types of questions, and on the basis of these questions, you are given marks out of 4. On totaling all these, there is a practical of 30 marks.

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