A to Z Alphabet Chart With Pictures PDF

English Alphabet Chart PDF With Pictures PDF Free Download

Teaching English alphabet to young children is a very difficult task, because a chart is needed to teach them. Along with the chart, there should also be a picture of the word related to the alphabet. If you do this, young children understand quickly. That’s why A to Z Alphabet Chart With Pictures PDF is being shared with you through this article.

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In which there are a total of 26 alphabets, which can contain many types of words. Memorising these alphabets becomes very easy through the chart, in the chart you have been given capital letters and small letters as well as pictures. By which children will be able to understand easily. So that he can also make different types of words.

The first task for young children is to memorise the alphabets properly. So that he can make a word, when he understands all these very well, then he starts making words by himself. It is important that you get the children to test through the pictures.

Because the person who remembers a text through a picture, that person understands quickly, and he remembers it for a long time.

A to Z Alphabet with Example

AApple, Alligator
BBoy, Ball
CCat, Car
DDog, Doll
EElephant, Egg
FFish, Food
GGirl, Got
HHorse, Hen
IInk, Igloo
JJug, Jam
KKite, King
LLion, Lollipop
MMonkey, Moon
NNose, Nest
OOwl, Orange
PPerrot, Picock
QQueen, Quarter
RRose, Rain
SSun, Sheep
TTelevision, Tomato
UUmbrella, Uncle
VVen, Violin
WWatch, Water
XXmas tree, X-ray
YYak, Yogurt
ZZebra, Zip
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