Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas Spectrum | स्पेक्ट्रम आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास

Hi, students today we have brought for you another must read book for upsc Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas Spectrum pdf edition author of the book is Rajiv Ahir.

AuthorRajiv Ahir
PublisherSpectrum Books

if you want to start your upsc preparation so this book is one of the best book of history which available in Hindi and English we have given downloading link so you can grab आधुनिक भारत book from the link below.

Many books have been written by renowned writers and historians of India’s freedom struggle, which is prominent in any idea of the history of modern India. But these clauses are extensive and intensive studies, and often suffer from one overemphasis at the expense of another on one aspect.

However, the present small effort is effectively discussed on various aspects of the turbulent period (the early years of independence and independence by India since the arrival of Europeans on Indian soil and the establishment of British rule in India): major and important details and milestones effectively while highlighting many relevant but lesser known details.

Get Book Here

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