Today we are going to share with you all college students Bachelor of Arts BA Books free pdf download and complete notes pdf for all semester exams. if you are studying 1st sem, 2nd sem, 3rd sem, 4th sem, 5th sem, and 6th sem (1st, 2nd, 3rd Year) so we have included all semester books as well as subject notes.
BA is a Bachelor’s course that is of 3 years, first year, second year, and third year, there are 2 semesters in each year, thus you have to give 6 semester papers in 3 years.
According to the known facts, the course of BA is different for every university, if you want to know about your syllabus, then you can go to the website of your university and find out the syllabus so that you will know which book you need, also I will try to provide BA books for you.
BA Subject List
- Hindi
- English
- Political Science
- History
- Economics
BA Course List
- Divinity
- Public Relations
- Education
- Honors in Applied Psychology
- Political Science
- Mathematics
- Social Science
- Military Studies
- Oriental Culture
- Arabic
- Journalism
- Anthropology
- Theology
- Vocational Studies
- Education
- Advertising & Brand Management
- Economics
- Public Administration
- Biostatistics
- Tourism Management
- Malayalam
- Musicology
- Agro Services
- Geography
- Yoga
- Ancient History
- Instrumental Music
- Rural Industry
- Philosophy
- History
- Tourism Studies
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Social Work
- Computer Science
- Cinema and Photography
- Communicative English
- Rural Development
- Physical Education
- Sociology
- Vedic Astrology
- Cinematography
- Child Welfare and Social Studies
- Psychology
BA General Books PDF
Hindi Books
- BHDAE-182 हिन्दी भाषा और संप्रेषण
- BHDC-133 आधुनिक हिन्दी कविता
- BHDC-134 हिंदी गद्य साहित्य
- BHDE-141 अस्मितामूलक विमर्श और हिंदी साहित्य
- BHDE-142 राष्ट्रीय काव्यधारा
- BHDE-143 प्रेमचंद
- BHDE-144 छायावाद
- BHDLA-136 हिन्दी भाषा : लेखन कौशल
- BHDLA-137 हिन्दी भाषा : संप्रेषण कौशल
- BHDLA-138 हिंदी साहित्य : विविध विधाएँ
- BHDS-183 अनुवाद : सिद्धांत और प्रविधि
- BHDS-184 रेडियो लेखन
English Books
- BEGAE-182 English Communication Skills
- BEGC-131 Individual and Society
- BEGC-132 Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural Diversity
- BEGC-133 British Literature
- BEGC-134 Reading the Novel
- BEGE-141 Understanding Prose
- BEGE-142 Understanding Drama
- BEGE-143 Understanding Poetry
- BEGG-171 Media and Communication Skills
- BEGG-172 Language and Linguistics
- BEGG-173 Academic Writing & Composition
- BEGG-174 Creative Writing
- BEGLA-135 English in Daily Life
- BEGLA-136 English at the Workplace
- BEGLA-137 Language Through Literature
- BEGLA-138 Reading & Speaking Skills
- BEGS-183 Writing and Study Skills
- BEGS-185 English Language Teaching
- BEGS-186 Business Communication
Urdu Book
- BUDC-132 Study of Urdu Classical Ghazal
- BUDC-133 اردو زبان کا آغاز وارتقا
- BUDC-134 اردو نظم کا مطالع
- BUDE- 141 (مرزا غالب کا خصوصی مطالعہ)
- BUDE-142 میر امن دہلوی کا خصوصی مطالع
Sanskrit Books
- BSKC-132 संस्कृत गद्य-साहित्य
- BSKC-133 संस्कृत नाटक
- BSKC-134 संस्कृत व्याकरण
- BSKE-141 आयुर्वेद के मूल आधार
- BSKE-142 रंगमंच और नाट्यकला
History Books
- BHIC-133 भारत का इतिहास C.1206-1707
- BHIC-133 History of India From C.1206-1707
- BHIE-144 Traditions of History Writing in India
- BHIE-144 भारत में इतिहास लेखन की परम्पराएँ
Economics Book
- BECC- 132 Principles of Microeconomics-II
- BECC- 132 व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धान्त-II
- BECC-131 Principles of Microeconomics-I
- BECC-131 व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-I
- BECC-133 Principles of Macroeconomics-I
- BECC-134 Principles of Macroeconomics-II
- BECC-134 समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-II
- BECE-145 Indian Economy-I
- BECE-145 भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था-I
- BECE-146 Indian Economy-II
- BECE-146 भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था-II
- बीईसीसी-133 समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-I
Political Science Books
- BPSC-131 Introduction to Political Theory
- BPSC-131 राजनीतिक सिद्धांत का परिचय
- BPSC-132 Indian Government and Politics
- BPSC-132 भारतीय सरकार और राजनिति
- BPSC-133 Comparative Government and Politics
- BPSC-133 तुलनात्मक शासन और राजनीति
- BPSC-134 Introduction of International Relations
- BPSC-134 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध का परिचय
- BPSE-141 Gandhi and the Contemporary World
- BPSE-141 गाँधी और समसामयिक विश्व
- BPSE-142 India’s Foreign Policy in a Globalising World
- BPSE-142 वैश्वीकरण की दुनिया में भारत की विदेश निति
- BPSE-143 State Politics in India
- BPSE-144 Introduction to South Asia
- BPSE-145 Democracy and Development in Northeast India
- BPSE-145 पूर्वोत्तर भारत में लोकतंत्र एवं विकास
- BPSE-146 Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
- BPSE-146 संघर्ष समाधान और शांति स्थापन
- बी.पी.एस.ई.-143 भारत में राज्य की राजनीती
Public Administration
- BPAC-131 Perspectives on Public Administration
- BPAC-132 Administrative Thinkers
- BPAC-132 प्रशासनिक विचारक
- BPAC-133 Administrative System at Union Level
- BPAC-133 केंद्रीय स्तर पर प्रशासनिक प्रणाली
- BPAC-134 Administrative System at State and District Levels
- BPAC-134 राज्य एवं ज़िला स्तरों पर प्रशासनिक प्रणाली
- BPAE-141 Right to Information
- BPAE-142 Organisational Behaviour
- BPAE-142 संगठनात्मक व्यवहार
- BPAE-143 Administrative System in BRICS
- BPAE-143 ब्रिक्स में प्रशासनिक प्रणाली
- BPAE-144 Social Policies and Administration
- BPAG-171 Disaster Management
- BPAG-172 Governance: Issues and Challenges
- BPAS-184 Logistics Management
- BPAS-184 संभारण प्रबंधन
- BPAS-186 Stress and Time Management
- BPAS-186 तनाव एवं समय प्रबंधन
- बी.पी.ए.ई-141 सूचना का अधिकार
- बी.पी.ए.जी-171 आपदा प्रबंधन
- बी.पी.ए.जी.- 172 शासन : मुद्दे और चुनौतियाँ
અનિવાર્ય હિન્દી સેમ ૬ b. A sem 6