Bhagavad Gita PDF in Odia | ଶ୍ରୀମଦ୍ ଭଗବଦ୍ ଗୀତ

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Odia Book PDF Free Download | ଶ୍ରୀମଦ୍ ଭଗବଦ୍ ଗୀତ

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Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is the holy book of Hindus, Lord Shri Krishna preached to Arjuna in the war of Mahabharata. All these teachings have been included in Gita.

It has 700 verses in total, and there are 18 chapters in total. This is made up of all these Verses and Chapters.

It has been written by Maharishi Ved Vyas in Sanskrit language.It has also been translated into Odia language, whose PDF we have shared with you today.

The exhortation given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna just before the start of the Mahabharata war is known as Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. For the Mahabharata war, when the Koravas and the Pandavas are face to face in Kurukshetra, and the war is about to begin, but Arjuna refuses to fight.

Arjuna gives up all his weapons, and takes an oath not to fight, but then his charioteer Lord Krishna explains to him, but still does not understand the words of Lord Krishna.

Later Lord Krishna gives the sermons of Gita, it is said that the teachings of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita were also given to Sun God before Arjuna.

The same place has been given to theBook, which has been given to the Upanishads, Dharmasutras. That is why It is also called Gita Upanishad.

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During the war of Mahabharata, when Arjuna refuses to fight, then Shri Krishna preaches to him, and makes him aware of the true knowledge of Karma and Dharma. These teachings of Shri Krishna have been compiled in a book called “Bhagavad Gita”.

Important things mentioned in This Holy Hindu Book

  • What is Karma Yoga?
  • what is body and soul
  • What is mind and how to control it?
  • What is detachment?
  • reality of the world
  • What is Dharma?
  • Nishkam Karma Yoga
  • do karma don’t worry about the fruit
  • Satoguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna:-
  • What are pleasures and sorrows?
  • How to control the senses?
  • Who are the liars?
  • What is Yagya?
  • What is a Situationalist?
  • Karma, Akarma and Vikarma
  • meditation yoga
  • What happens after death
  • How to get salvation?
  • Viraat form of Shri Krishna
  • How to escape from the illusion of God?
  • What does God want?

What do we Read from the Gita?

If you benefit from reading any book, then you should definitely read that book. In the Gita, there has been talk of knowledge. There are different paths to reach the stage of success, one can be awakened by the path of knowledge, that is, by reading a book, and every verse of this has been written keeping this direction in mind.

Many types of important principles have been told in the EBook. Not only every Hindu, but every human should study such texts including Gita at least once, because studying these texts has a positive effect on you. And all kinds of negative thoughts go away.

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List of 18 Chapters of Gita

  1. Arjuna Vishada Yoga – Chapter One
  2. Sankhya Yoga – Chapter Two
  3. Karma Yoga – Chapter Three
  4. Jnanakarma Sannyasa Yoga – Chapter Four
  5. Karma Sannyasa Yoga – Chapter Five
  6. Self-restraint – Chapter 6
  7. Jnana Vijnana Yoga – Chapter Seven
  8. AksharBrahma Yoga – Chapter Eight
  9. Rajavidyarajguhyayoga – Chapter Ninth
  10. Vibhuti Yog – Chapter 10
  11. Vishwaroopa Darshan Yoga – Chapter Eleventh
  12. Bhakti Yoga – Chapter Twelfth
  13. Kshetra-KshetrajnaVibhagaYoga – Chapter thirteenth
  14. GunatrayavibhagaYoga – Fourteenth Chapter
  15. Purushottama Yoga – Fifteenth Chapter
  16. Daiva Surah Sampad Vibhaga Yoga – Sixteenth Chapter
  17. Shraddha Traya Vibhaga Yoga – Seventeenth Chapter
  18. Moksha Sanyasa Yoga – Eighteenth Chapter

Many scholars believe that the Gita was written between the fifth century and the second century BCE, but later Hindu scholar Jeaneane Fowler considered the second century BCE to be correct. J.A.B. Van Buitenen also states that it was likely composed about 200 BCE.

According to the Indologist Arvind Sharma, the It is generally accepted to be a 2nd-century-BCE.

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