Conduct Certificate Form PDF

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Conduct certificate shows the character of a person over a period of time. However, sometimes a conduct certificate is also known as a character certificate.

A conduct certificate is given to a student when he/she takes admission or transfers to another institute. In this certificate, it is about the character of that person in the school during this period. By which only he can take admission in any other institute.

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Apart from this, when an employer joins another company. At that time also, the conduct certificate is given to that employer on behalf of the company. In which it is signed by the manager of that company.

Who can give a Conduct Certificate?

If there is a student, then his conduct certificate is made with a seal by the principal or director of the institute. And if you are working in any company then your conduct certificate will be made by the HR department. In which the signature and seal of the manager or supervisor will be there. But you also have to keep in mind that the validity of this conduct certificate is six months.


This is to certify that Mr/Miss/Mrs ………………………… ………………. Son/ Daughter of………………………………, residing in …………………… is personally known to me for the last …………. years and that to the best of my knowledge and belief he/she bears a reputable character and conduct.
I also certify that Mr/Miss/Mrs…………………….….. is not related to me.

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Place: ………………………………
Date: ……………………………….

Signature & Designation
[Office Seal]

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