Divine Mercy Prayer Chaplet PDF

Download PDF of Divine Mercy Prayer Chaplet Lyrics

The Divine Mercy is a form of God’s compassion, an act of grace based on trust or forgiveness.

In Catholicism it refers specifically to a devotion which had its origin in the apparitions of Jesus Christ received by Saint Faustina Kowalska, in the early 20th century, in Poland.

The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, also called the Divine Mercy Chaplet, is a Christian devotion to the Divine Mercy.

How to Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Step 1: Sign of the Cross

Step 2: Optional Opening Prayers

Step 3: Our Father

Step 4: Hail Mary

Step 5: Apostles’ Creed

Step 6: Eternal Father

Step 7: On the Ten Small Beads of Each Decade

Step 8: Repeat for the Remaining Decades

Step 9: Holy God

Step 10: Optional Closing Prayer

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