Forum IAS Indian Society & Social Issue Red Book PDF

Forum IAS GS-I & II [Indian Society & Social Issue] Red Book PDF

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Chapter Covered

1. SALIENT FEATURES OF INDIAN SOCIETY 1.1 Major sources of diversity in Indian context 1.1.1. Caste 1.1.2. Class 1.1.3. Region 1.1.4. Religion 1.1.5. Language 1.1.6. Race and Ethnicity 1.1.7. Tribes 1.2. Social Institutions 1.2.1. Family, Joint Family and kinship 1.2.2. Marriage 1.2.3. Rural society 1.2.4. Markets 1.3. Unity in diversity 1.3.1. Mutual respect and tolerance 1.3.2. How has India managed its diversity? 1.3.3. Is diversity good or bad for India? 2. CASTE SYSTEM 3. EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION ON INDIAN SOCIETY 3.1. Traditionalism, Modernization and Westernization 3.2. Globalization & its features 3.3. Effects of Globalization 4. WOMEN AND CHILDREN ISSUES 4.1 Women issues and empowerment 4.1.1. Role of Women and Women Organizations 4.2. Children issues and empowerment 5. SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT 5.1. Empowerment of SC, ST and OBCs 5.2. Empowerment of differently-abled persons 5.3. Empowerment of senior citizens 5.4. Empowerment of minorities 5.5. Empowerment of youth 5.6. Empowerment of transgenders 6. POPULATION AND ASSOCIATED ISSUES 6.1. Population theories and concepts 6.2. Determinants of Indian population 6.3. Demographic dividend 6.4. Effects of rapid population growth in India 6.5. Population control 6.6. National Population Policy 7. REGIONALISM, COMMUNALISM, SECULARISM 7.1. Regionalism 7.2. Communalism 7.3. Secularism 8. POVERTY AND DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES 8.1. Poverty as a vicious cycle ForumIAS Guidance Center 2nd Floor, IAPL House, 19, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi – 110005 | [email protected]|011- 49878625 8.2 Types of poverty 8.3. Estimation of poverty 8.4. Poverty alleviation programmes since independence 9. HEALTH AND NUTRITION ISSUES 10. EDUCATION 11. URBANIZATION 11.1. Concept 11.2. Characteristics 11.3. Problems of urbanization and associated government initiatives

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