Haripath PDF in Marathi | संपूर्ण हरिपाठ मराठी

Download PDF of Sampoorna Haripath in Marathi (संपूर्ण हरिपाठ मराठी)

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Haripath is a collection of 28 poems, composed by the Marathi saint Dnyaneshwar in the 13th century. 28 poems or series that praise the value of repeatedly examining the names of God. Through this we get punishment for living a spiritual life and positively affects the life of human being.

It is an abhanga composition made to always remember the name of the Lord. That’s why people who believe in God and follow. they read complete Path.

It has an important place in the Varkari sect. Sant Dnyaneshwar, Sant Tukaram, Sant Eknath, Sant Namdev and Sant Nivritinath composed the abhangas of Haripath.

In this, Abhangs of Haripath composed by Saint Dnyaneshwar Maharaj are mostly sung. If you want to download, it then click on the link given below.

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