Download PDF of Hindi Numbers 1 to 50 in Words
Hello friends, today I am going to give you Hindi Numbers 1 to 50 in Words PDF in this article. Many types of languages are spoken in India. But mainly Hindi language is used the most. Despite this, many students do not remember Hindi numbers. Because now most of the schools are English medium. That’s why they are never taught Hindi Numbers.
Language | Hindi |
Pages | 2 |
Size | 242 KB |
Source | PDFNOTES.CO |
Below you are being given English numbers as well as Hindi numbers. Apart from this, they have also been given how to read in Hindi. We have given them well in the form of tables for all Hindi and English medium students. So that you can read them and remember them easily. Click on the link given below to download PDF.
If you are a student of English medium then you have to see the English number. In front of this you will see Hindi numbers. And how to pronounce them, it is also given. If you read them two or three times, you will remember all the Hindi numbers. After that you can also use them. Apart from this, you have been given the notation of Hindi numbers, with the help of which you will be able to know what is the notation of Hindi numbers.
हिंदी नंबर 1 से 50
English Number | English | Hindi | Hinglish | Hindi Number |
0 | Zero | शून्य | Shunya | o |
1 | One | एक | Ek | १ |
2 | Two | दो | Do | २ |
3 | Three | तीन | Teen | ३ |
4 | Four | चार | Char | ४ |
5 | Five | पांच | Panch | ५ |
6 | Six | छह | Chhah | ६ |
7 | Seven | सात | Saat | ७ |
8 | Eight | आठ | Aath | ८ |
9 | Nine | नौ | Nau | ९ |
10 | Ten | दस | Das | १० |
11 | Eleven | ग्यारह | Gyarah | ११ |
12 | Twelve | बारह | Barah | १२ |
13 | Thirteen | तेरह | Terah | १३ |
14 | Fourteen | चौदह | Chaudah | १४ |
15 | Fifteen | पंद्रह | Pandrah | १५ |
16 | Sixteen | सोलह | Solah | १६ |
17 | Seventeen | सत्रह | Satrah | १७ |
18 | Eighteen | अठारह | Atharah | १८ |
19 | Nineteen | उन्नीस | Uniis | १९ |
20 | Twenty | बीस | Bis | २० |
21 | Twenty One | इक्कीस | Ikkis | २१ |
22 | Twenty Two | बाईस | Bayis | २२ |
23 | Twenty Three | तेईस | Teyis | २३ |
24 | Twenty Four | चौबीस | Chaubis | २४ |
25 | Twenty Five | पच्चीस | Pachhis | २५ |
26 | Twenty Six | छब्बीस | Chhabis | २६ |
27 | Twenty Seven | सत्ताईस | Sattais | २७ |
28 | Twenty Eight | अट्ठाईस | Atthais | २८ |
29 | Twenty Nine | उनतीस | Unatis | २९ |
30 | Thirty | तीस | Tis | ३० |
31 | Thirty One | इकतीस | Ektis | ३१ |
32 | Thirty Two | बत्तीस | Battis | ३२ |
33 | Thirty Three | तैंतीस | Tentis | ३३ |
34 | Thirty Four | चौंतीस | Chautis | ३४ |
35 | Thirty Five | पैंतीस | Pentis | ३५ |
36 | Thirty Six | छत्तीस | Chhattis | ३६ |
37 | Thirty Seven | सैंतीस | Sentis | ३७ |
38 | Thirty Eight | अड़तीस | Adatis | ३८ |
39 | Thirty Nine | उनतालीस | Untalis | ३९ |
40 | Forty | चालीस | Chalis | ४० |
41 | Forty One | इकतालीस | Ektalis | ४१ |
42 | Forty Two | बयालीस | Bayalis | ४२ |
43 | Forty Three | तेंतालीस | Tentalis | ४३ |
44 | Forty Four | चौवालीस | Chauvalis | ४४ |
45 | Forty Five | पैंतालीस | Pentalis | ४५ |
46 | Forty Six | छियालीस | Chhiyalis | ४६ |
47 | Forty Seven | सैंतालीस | Sentalis | ४७ |
48 | Forty Eight | अड़तालीस | Adtalis | ४८ |
49 | Forty Nine | उनचास | Unchas | ४९ |
50 | Fifty | पचास | Pachas | ५० |
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nice, luckily I got this website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am ultra lucky to get this web site
I study in class 5 and this web. helped me to complete my homework. Thanks
It helped me because I had test today and it help me work it out I’m in std 4
Me too
thank you i,am 4 std
I am in std 3,this helped me to say the numbers to my hindi teacher. Thank you
I am in std 3,this helped me to study. so the next day i could say everything. Thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
nice very good