How to Solve Rubik’s Cube 3X3 Fastest Way PDF

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Hello friends today i am going to share with you How to Solve Rubik’s Cube 3X3 Fastest Way PDF. RUBIK’S Cube is just one of a series of exciting puzzles designed to challenge your mind and capture your imagination. With amazing movement of colour and pieces, each puzzle offers an intricate challenge that is hard to put down. And just in case it has you stumped, this 7-Step Solution Guide will help you master the challenge.

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RUBIK’S Cube was invented by Erno Rubik, Hungarian Professor of Architecture and Design. Within one year of its launch in 1980, it became the fastest-selling puzzle the world has ever known. Rubik’s Cube is now the best-selling puzzle ever, with over 250 million cubes sold.

Most cubes can be solved in only 17 moves with the aid of a computer, and theoretically there is no cube that requires more than 20 twists to solve. Some people can solve the cube in under 45 moves from any scrambled position; and a few can even solve the cube blindfolded!

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