IAS Mains Chapterwise Solved papers General studies Arihant Book

Hello, today I am going to provide you UPSC ias mains chapterwise solved papers general studies arihant pdf which is aims your glorious success.

UPSC Mains Exam requires skill, material, knowledge and many other things from the candidate. In such a situation, every candidate must go through the previous year question papers to write the general studies main question paper.

First of all we should know that why previous year paper are important? Based on the general topics in the previous year question papers, the candidate are able to predict the important trending topics which have a high probability of next year and such questions may appear in the IAS exam specially UPSC in Mains General Studies.

NameUPSC Mains Solved Paper
byArihant + Rohit Vadhwana
PaperGeneral Studies
No of Pages917

How to Score Good Marks in General Studies

In the Civil Services Examination, candidates have four General Studies papers and one optional subject paper, all the papers are of equal marks.

General Studies questions are asked from an uncertain syllabus due to which no candidate can get complete command over it. ‘Why a strong grasp on and full command cannot be acquired over it.’ No candidate, or even classes of high repute can draw a boundary for General Studies, not even a lose boundary can be uttered confidently.

So to understand these papers properly and to get good command over them, we should have good strategy and our GS should be very strong.

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Deep Understanding

It is not to learn any one topic or memorize certain facts but a candidate should have a deep understanding of any phenomenon, and should be able to put forth ideas of its implications.

Command over Every Topic

In General Studies, a candidate cannot opt any topic as an alternative for another one. A candidate must develop a strong hold and command over every topic of papers i.e. science and technology, statistics, economics, political issues, social issues, geography, current affairs, sports, international relations, institutions, organisations and so on.

Not Only Books

Books alone cannot give you good results in this examination, for this you have to go through newspapers, monthly magazines and discussions and debates.

No Limit

No one can tell where to ask a question in this, because it is completely uncertain, undecided, there is no limit to it. It is like a horizon that goes on and on and on. That’s why every candidate is advised to make a time table and take the advice of experienced teachers and toppers about what he has to study.

Selective and Intensive

The study of General Studies Mains requires a perfect approach that is selective and intensive. It is quite different from the Preliminary exam. And so some topics, as I mentioned earlier, should be selected for intensive and deep study.

Answer Writing Tips

  • Simplicity of language
  • Logical flow of language
  • Maintaining word limit
  • Clarity of thoughts
  • Information and data
  • Proper structure of answers
  • Precise and brief writing
  • Appropriate diagrams, graphs or figures can be drawn

Arihant upsc ias mains previous year solved paper of General Studies will help you to understand the nature of the question being asked. Thus you need to solve previous years question papers.

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