Download PDF of IAS Network UPSC 2022 Environment Notes By Toppers
If you are preparing for UPSC exam then today I have brought for you UPSC Environment Notes 2022 PDF Notes which are provided by IAS Network. You can use these notes in both prelims exam and mains exam.
These notes have been prepared from exam point of view which will cover all the important topics of the environment. you all can download through the given link below.
Size | 2 MB |
Total Pages | 107 |
Langauge | English |
Source | IAS.Network |
Ecology Oikos means home or place to live in.Literally it is the study of the home of nature. Scientific study of the relationship of the living organisms with each other and with their environment.
The relationship and interaction between organisms and the environment are highly complex. It comprises both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components.
Abiotic : Energy ;Radiation ;Temperature & heat flow; Water Atmospheric gases and wind;Fire; Gravity ;Topography; Soil; Geologic substratum
Biotic: Green plants; Non green plants; Decomposers; parasites; symbionts; Animals; Man
Download complete evs notes 2022 from the given direct link below for free in upsc civil service eaxmination.
Environment Topics
- basics of ecology
- ecosystem
- environmental pollution
- environmental impact assessment
- biodiversity
- wpa 1972 animals schedule
- animal diversity of india
- plant diversity of india
- important marine organisms of india
- protected area network
- conservation efforts
- climate change
- ocean acidification
- ozone depletion
- climate change and mitigation strategies
- indiaand climate change
- india’s nationalaction plan on climate change
- climate change organizations
- global climate finance architecture
- acts and policies
- institutions and measures
- india’s organizations
- international conventions
- environment issues and health effects
- ramsar wetlands in india
- biosphere reserves in india
- state animals and state birds