Download PDF of IAS Network UPSC 2022 Society Notes By Toppers
If you are preparing for UPSC exam then today I have brought for you UPSC Society Notes 2022 PDF Notes which are provided by IAS Network. You can use these notes in both prelims exam and mains exam. These notes have been prepared from exam point of view which will cover all the important topics of the Indian society. you all can download through the given link below.
Size | 2 MB |
Total Pages | 78 |
Langauge | English |
Source | IAS.Network |
India is land of diversity of culture and people in terms of language, religion, caste, food, dress and way of life. For the same reason India is known for its socio-cultural diversity.
Society Topics
- salient features of indian society
- major issues affecting indian society
- features of caste
- diversity of india
- overpopulation issue in india
- national population policy
- infant mortality issue
- malnutrition issue
- food security issue
- issues faced by women
- domestic violence
- globalization and its effects
- urbanization
- urban poor
- slum issues
- poverty issue
- climate change and poverty
- child labour
- posco act and violence against children
- child marriage
- migrants issue
- refugee issues
- reservation system
- schedule caste in india
- tribals issue in india
- lgbtq issues
- transgender issues
- communalism
- regionalism
- secularism
- divyangs in india
- social empowerment
- affirmative action
- government programs related to minorities