IGNOU Courses List PDF | IGNOU Prospectus 2022

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Hello friends today I am going to share IGNOU Courses List PDF which you can download from the link given below.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) which offers many courses not only in India but also in some overseas countries. Also, this university provides online and distance education to all the students, but at this time the main objective of this university is to provide education to the students living far away.

It is seen that IGNOU is providing education to lakhs of students every year besides awarding them with degree certificates which becomes quite good for the distant students if you have passed 10+2. If you do, then you become eligible for IGNOU, from here you can get any type of degree. In IGNOU, you get all types of degree courses in which you want to complete your degree, you can take admission in it. IGNOU is also succeeding in various fields because people who cannot go to any university can get their undergraduate or post graduate degree from IGNOU.

IGNOU offers its courses in the following areas

Arts, Humanities, and Social Science, Commerce, Computer Applications and IT Education, Engineering and Architecture, Hospitality and Tourism, Law, Management and Business Administration, Media, Mass, Communication, and Journalism, Medicine and Allied Sciences, Pharmacy, Sciences

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How To Apply

You can apply for IGNOU through both online and offline means, for this you can go to the official website of IGNOU, the new session of IGNOU starts in January or July as well as keep visiting the website of IGNOU from where you will know that When are admissions starting?
Apply for any course you are interested in because IGNOU provides all types of possible courses to the students.

Eligibility Criteria

UG programs – Candidates must have passed their 10+2 examination from a recognized board or university. For some programs, candidates should hold a PG diploma or be in-service/possess minimum experience.

PG programs – Candidates must have completed a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree from a recognized university. For some PG courses, a degree along with a PG diploma or just a PG diploma is compulsory.

List of all courses

Program CodeName of the ProgramProgram Fee
BAECH (CBCS)BA Honours in EconomicsRs 11,400/-
BAEGH (CBCS)BA Honours in EnglishRs 11,400/-
BAHIH (CBCS)BA Honours in HistoryRs 11,400/-
BAPAH (CBCS)BA Honours in Public AdministrationRs 11,400/-
BAPCH (CBCS)BA Honours in PsychologyRs 11,400/-
BAPSH (CBCS)BA Honours in Political ScienceRs 11,400/-
BASOH (CBCS)BA Honours in SociologyRs 11,400/-
BTSBachelor of Arts in Tourism StudiesRs 11,400/-
BAVTM (CBCS)BA Vocational Studies in Tourism ManagementRs 12,000/-
BSc (Old)Bachelor in ScienceRs 13,500/-
BAHDH (CBCS)BA Honours in HindiRs 14,400/-
BSCG (CBCS)Bachelor og Science (General)Rs 14,700/-
BSW (Old)Bachelor of Social WorkRs 16,200/-
BSWG (CBCS)Bachelor of Social Work (General)Rs 17,400/-
BSCANH (CBCS)Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Anthropology)Rs 18,000/-
BBARLBBA in RetailingRs 27,000/-
BAPFHMHBachelor of Performing Arts – Hindustani Music (Honours)Rs 27,600/-
BCABachelor of Computer ApplicationsRs 36,000/-
BSCBCH (CBCS)Bachelor of Science (Honours) in BiochemistryRs 43,500/-
BScNPBPost Basic Bachelor in Science NursingRs 54,000/-
BEdBachelor of EducationRs 55,000/-
BBASMBBA in Services ManagementRs 60,000/-
BLISBachelor of Library and Information ScienceRs 7,700/-
BA (Old)Bachelor of ArtsRs 8,100/-
BCom (Old)Bachelor of CommerceRs 8,100/-
BCom A&F (Old)Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy and FinanceRs 8,100/-
BCom CA&A (Old)BCom with Major in Corporate Affairs and AdministrationRs 8,100/-
BCom F&CA (Old)BCom with Major in Financial and Cost AccountingRs 8,100/-
BAG (CBCS)Bachelor of Arts (General)Rs 9,900/-
BCOMG (CBCS)Bachelor of Commerce (General)Rs 9,900/-

Master Degree Courses List 2022

Program CodeName of the ProgramProgram Fee
MADEMA in Distance EducationRs 11,000/-
MAGDMA in Gender and Development StudiesRs 9,600/-
MAPCMA in PsychologyRs 18,600/-
MATSMA in Translation StudiesRs 9,600/-
MSWMA in Social WorkRs 36,000/-
MSWCMaster of Social Work in CounsellingRs 36,000/-
MECMA in EconomicsRs 16,400/-
MEGMA in EnglishRs 12,000/-
MHDMA in HindiRs 12,600/-
MAHMA in HistoryRs 12,600/-
MAPYMA in Philosophy Rs 12,600/-
MPSMA in Political ScienceRs 12,600/-
MPAMA in Public AdministrationRs 12,600/-
MARDMA in Rural DevelopmentRs 11,000/-
MSOMA in SociologyRs 12,600/-
MAAEMA in Adult EducationRs 12,800/-
MAGPSMA in Gandhi and Peace Studies Rs 9,600/-
MAEduMA in EducationRs 18,400/-
MBAMaster of Business AdministrationRs 42,000/-
MComMaster of CommerceRs 15,600/-
MCom BP & CGMCom in Business Policy and Corporate GovernanceRs 15,000/-
MCom F&TMCom in Finance & TaxationRs 15,000/-
MCom MA & FSMCom in Management Accounting & Financial Strategies Rs 15,000/-
MCA (New)Master of Computer ApplicationsRs 48,000/-
MLISMaster of Library and Information ScienceRs 10,800/-
MScDFSMMSc in Dietetics and Food Service Management Rs 32,400/-
MScCFTMSce in Counseling and Family TherapyRs 33,600/-
MAANMA in AnthropologyRs 17,200/-
MACSMSc in Mathematics with Applications in Computer ScienceRs 26,400/-
MADVSMA in Development StudiesRs 11,400/-
MTTMMaster of Tourism & Travel ManagementRs 12,600/-
MAWGSMA in Women’s and Gender StudiesRs 13,000/-
MAJMCMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationRs 25,000/-
MSKMaster of Arts in SanskritRs 13,200/-
MSCENVMaster of Science (Environmental Science)Rs 15,000/-
MAERMaster of Arts (Entrepreneurship)Rs 15,700/-
MSCISMaster of Science (Information Security)Rs 43,200/-
MAFCSMaster of Arts (Folklore and Culture Studies)Rs 5,400/-
MADPMaster of Arts (Drawing and Painting)Rs 16,500/-
MUDMaster of Arts (Urdu)Rs 12,600/-
MAJYMaster of Arts (Jyotish)Rs 12,600/-
MSCENVMaster of Science (Environmental Science)Rs 7,500/-

IGNOU Diploma Courses List 2022

Program CodeName of the ProgramProgram Fee
DAQDiploma in AquacultureRs 6,900/-
DBPOFADiploma in BPO Finance & AccountingRs 19,200/-
DCEDiploma in Creative Writing in EnglishRs 3,800/-
DCCNDiploma in Critical Care Nursing Rs 5,300/-
DDTDiploma in Dairy TechnologyRs 15,200/-
DECEDiploma in Early Childhood Care and EducationRs 3,000/-
DFPTDiploma in Fish Products Technology Rs 9,600/-
DAFEDiploma in HIV and Family EducationRs 1,500/-
DMTDiploma in Meat TechnologyRs 12,700/-
DNADiploma in Nursing AdministrationRs 9,600/-
DNHEDiploma in Nutrition and Health EducationRs 3,000/-
DPLADDiploma in Panchayat Level Administration & DevelopmentRs 3,600/-
DIPPDiploma in Paralegal PracticeRs 7,400/-
DTGDiploma in Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageRs 6,300/-
DTSDiploma in Tourism StudiesRs 4,500/-
DULDiploma in UrduRs 1,600/-
DVAPFVDiploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables Rs 12,700/-
DPVCPODiploma in Value-added Products from Cereals, Pulses and OilseedsRs 11,700/-
DWMDiploma in Watershed Management Rs 10,600/-
DWEDDiploma in Women’s Empowerment and DevelopmentRs 3,600/-
DEVMTDiploma in Event ManagementRs 8,000/-
DIRDiploma in RetailingRs 8,000/-
DPVEDiploma in Value EducationRs 4,000/-
DTHDiploma in Theatre ArtsRs 7,700/-
DMOPDiploma in Modern Office PracticeRs 6,000/-
DHORTDiploma in HorticultureRs 3,800/-
DTHDiploma in Theatre ArtsRs 7,700/-

Post Graduate Diploma Courses List 2022

Program CodeName of the ProgramProgram Fee
PGDTPG Diploma in TranslationRs 4,000/-
PGDCFTPG Diploma in Counselling and Family TheraphyRs 16,800/-
PGDCJPG Diploma in Criminal JusticeRs 10,800/-
PGDDMPG Diploma in Disaster Management Rs 6,300/-
PGDEMAPG Diploma in Educational Management and Administration Rs 7,000/-
PGDGPSPG Diploma in Gandhi and Peace StudiesRs 3,700/-
PGDHEPG Diploma in Higher EducationRs 3,000/-
PGDISPG Diploma in Information SecurityRs 21,600/-
PGDIBOPG Diploma in International Business Operations Rs 8,200/-
PGDPPEDPG Diploma in Pre Primary EducationRs 9,600/-
PGDWGSPG Diploma in Women’s & Gender StudiesRs 6,500/-
PGDACPG Diploma in Analytical Chemistry Rs 9,600/-
PGDAPPPG Diploma in Audio Programme ProductionRs 10,600/-
PGDBPPG Diploma in Book PublishingRs 8,000/-
PGDETPG Diploma in Education TechnologyRs 6,600/-
PGDESDPG Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development Rs 7,000/-
PGDFCSPG Diploma in Folklore and Culture StudiesRs 2,400/-
PGDFSQMPG Diploma in Food Safety and Quality ManagementRs 14,400/-
PGDGMPG Diploma in Geriatric MedicineRs 26,000/-
PGDHIVMPG Diploma in HIV MedicineRs 60,000/-
PGDIPRPG Diploma in Intellectual Property RightsRs 10,200/-
PGJMCPG Diploma in Journalism and Mass CommunicationRs 12,500/-
PGDLANPG Diploma in Library Automation and Networking Rs 17,000/-
PGDMCHPG Diploma in Maternal and Child HealthRs 30,000/-
PGDPSMPG Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management Rs 7,400/-
PGDPMPG Diploma In Plantation ManagementRs 5,900/-
PGDRDPG Diploma in Rural Development Rs 2,400/-
PGDSLMPG Diploma in School Leadership and ManagementRs 6,000/-
PGDSSPG Diploma in Sustainability ScienceRs 6,200/-
PGDMHPG Diploma in Mental HealthRs 8,000/-
PGDCOUNPG Diploma in Social Work CounsellingRs 13,200/-
PGDEOHPG Diploma in Environmental and Occupational HealthRs 5,900/-
PGDDVSPG Diploma in Development StudiesRs 5,000/-
PGDASTPG Diploma in Applied StatisticsRs 7,600/-
PGDHHMPG Diploma in Hospital and Health ManagementRs 25,200/-
PGDUPDLPG Diploma in Urban Planning and DevelopmentRs 6,000/-
PGDCAPG Diploma in Computer ApplicationsRs 21,600/-
PGDAWPost Graduate Diploma in Animal WelfareRs 5,400/-
PGDCSRPost Graduate Diploma in Corporate Social ResponsibilityRs 7,000/-
PGDIDMPost Graduate Diploma (Digital Media)Rs 5,000/-
PGDDCPost Graduate Diploma (Development Communication)Rs 5,000/-

Post Graduate Certificate Courses 2022

Program CodeName of the ProgramProgram Fee
PGCGIPG Certificate in Geo InformaticsRs 6,000/-
PGCCLPG Certificate in Cyber LawRs 3,800/-
PGCGPSPG Certificate in Gandhi and Peace StudiesRs 2,200/-
PGCAEPG Certificate in Adult EducationRs 3,200/-
PGCAPPG Certificate in Agriculture PolicyRs 3,600/-
PGCBHTPG Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation Rs 1,600/-
PGCMHTPG Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi TranslationRs 1,600/-
PGCPPPG Certificate in Patent PracticeRs 8,500/-
PGCCCPG Certificate in Climate ChangeRs 3,800/-
PGCIATIVIPG Certificate in Information and Assistive Technology for Instructors of Visually ImpairedRs 5,400/-
PGCMDMPG Certificate in Medical Management of CBRNE DisastersRs 5,500/-
PGCINDSPost Graduate Certificate in Industrial SafetyRs 6,000/-
PGCIPWSPost Graduate Certificate in Inventory Planning and Warehousing for EngineersRs 15,000/-

Certificate Courses List 2022

Program CodeName of the ProgramProgram Fee
BPPBachelor Preparatory ProgrammeRs 1,200/-
CAHTCertificate in Anti Human TraffickingRs 1,300/-
CALCertificate in Arabic LanguageRs 1,800/-
CIBCertificate in Bee KeepingRs 1,400/-
CBSCertificate in Business SkillsRs 3,200/-
CCLBLCertificate in Co-operation, Co-operative LawRs 7,400/-
CCITSKCertificate in Communication and IT Skills Rs 5,700/-
CCRCertificate in Community RadioRs 5,900/-
CCPCertificate in Consumer ProtectionRs 1,800/-
CDMCertificate in Disaster Management Rs 2,600/-
CETMCertificate in Energy Technology and ManagementRs 2,700/-
CESCertificate in Environmental StudiesRs 2,400/-
CFNCertificate in Food and Nutrition Rs 1,400/-
CIGCertificate in GuidanceRs 2,000/-
CHCWMCertificate in Health Care Waste ManagementRs 2,700/-
CAFECertificate in HIV and Family EducationRs 1,000/-
CHBHCCertificate in Home Based Health CareRs 2,400/-
CHRCertificate in Human RightsRs 2,600/-
CITCertificate in Information TechnologyRs 6,000/-
CIHLCertificate in International Humanitarian LawRs 2,400/-
CMCHNCertificate in Maternal and Child Health NursingRs 5,900/-
CNINCertificate in Newborn & Infant NursingRs 5,900/-
CNMCertificate in NGO ManagementRs 1,800/-
CNCCCertificate in Nutrition and ChildcareRs 2,000/-
COFCertificate in Organic Farming Rs 4,800/-
CPABNCertificate in Performing Arts – BharatnatyamRs 3,600/-
CPAHMCertificate in Performing Arts – Hindustani MusicRs 3,600/-
CPAKMCertificate in Performing Arts – Karnatak MusicRs 3,600/-
CPATHACertificate In Performing Arts -Theatre Arts Rs 3,600/-
CPFCertificate in Poultry FarmingRs 3,600/-
CSWCJSCertificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System Rs 1,300/-
CTECertificate in Teaching English as a Second Language Rs 2,400/-
CTSCertificate in Tourism StudiesRs 2,000/-
CULCertificate in Urdu LanguageRs 1,200/-
CVAACertificate in Visual Arts – Applied ArtsRs 3,600/-
CVAPCertificate in Visual Arts – PaintingRs 3,600/-
CWHMCertificate in Water Harvesting and Management Rs 2,400/-
CCPDCertificate of Competency in Power DistributionRs 3,200/-
CFECertificate Programme in Functional EnglishRs 4,000/-
CPLTCertificate Programme in Laboratory TechniquesRs 4,200/-
CRDCertificate Programme in Rural DevelopmentRs 1,800/-
CPVECertificate Programme In Value Education Rs 1,800/-
CTPMCertificate Programme Teaching of Primary School MathematicsRs 1,800/-
ACISEAdvanced Certificate in Information SecurityRs 5,400/-
ACPDMAdvanced Certificate in Power Distribution ManagementRs 1,000/-
CLISCertificate in Library and Information ScienceRs 3,000/-
CKLCCertificate in Korean Language & CultureRs 2,500/-
ACPSDAppreciation Course on Population and Sustainable DevelopmentRs 1,000/-
CLTACertificate Programme on Life and Thought of B.R. AmbedkarRs 800/-
CFAIDCertificate in First AidRs 3,000/-
CTRBSCertificate in Tribal StudiesRs 900/-
CSLCCertificate in Spanish Language & CultureRs 4,500/-
CGDACertificate in General Duty AssistanceRs 6,000/-
CGCACertificate in Geriatric Care AssistanceRs 6,500/-
CPHACertificate in Phlebotomy AssistanceRs 7,500/-
CHHACertificate in Home Health AssistanceRs 6,000/-
CPYCertificate Program in YogaRs 5,000/-
CFLCertificate in French LanguageRs 6,600/-
CRULCertificate in Russian LanguageRs 2,500/-
CISCertificate in SericultureRs 4,200/-
CJLCertificate Programme in Japanese LanguageRs 5,500/-
CGLCertificate in German LanguageRs 2,500/-
CFDECertificate in Fashion DesignRs 5,000/-
CCHCertificate in Community HealthRs 15,000/-
CPELCertificate in Persian LanguageRs 1,600/-
CPSCMCertificate in Peace Studies and Conflict ManagementRs 3,500/-
ACEAppreciation Course on EnvironmentRs 1,100/-
APVPFVAwareness Programme on Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables Rs 1,000/-
APDFAwareness Programme on Dairy Farming for Rural FarmersRs 1,100/-
GSTAwareness Programme on Goods and Services TaxRs 3,500/-
CSWMCertificate in Solid Waste ManagementRs 3,600/-
CMADCertificate Program in Mobile Application DevelopmentRs 5,000/-
CGASCertificate in Gender, Agriculture and Sustainable DevelopmentRs 3,800/-
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