JLPT N5 Kanji List PDF

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Hello friends, today I am going to share JLPT N5 Kanji List PDF with all of you which you can download as well as read from the link given below.

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Why Should You Learn N5 Kanji?

The full name of JLPT is “Japanese Language Proficiency Test”. If you are learning Japanese, then through JLPT it is found how comfortable and expert you are in Japanese language. There are five types of stages in JLPT which include N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 N1 is considered to be the hardest level in learning Japanese language and N5 is the most basic level.

So if you are starting to learn Japanese language then you have to start from N5 level and with this you also have to learn N5 Kanji. Although we all know that JLPT N5 Kanji is a basic level Japanese test, still if you are just starting to learn the Japanese language then this is where you start.
To pass the JLPT N5 test, you have to be able to read Japanese at a basic level and understand simple conversations from daily life and school. You should know around 800 vocabulary words.

JLPT N5 Kanji List

Kanji originated with Chinese hànzì characters which the Japanese adapted and gave Japanese readings. Thus, onyomi (Chinese readings) and kunyomi (Japanese readings) were born. But you have to keep in mind that these words are written in Chinese script and have come from Chinese language, so you also need to remember some Kani but it is not that difficult either.

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At the N5 level, the JLPT expects you to know about 100 kanji to pass. That’s why you need to know about 100 Kanji because without this you will not be able to pass the N5 test. You can generally expect to see the 100 most common kanji for verbs, numbers, time, places, people, basic adjectives, and directions.

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