Manache Shlok PDF in Marathi

Download PDF Manache Shlok in Marathi (मनाचे श्लोक)

Manache Shlok is a collection of 205 shlokas written by Swami Ramdas. The English meaning of Shri this shlok is “A Dialogue with our Mind”. It’s a very popular book among millions of people from Maharashtra, India.

These Verses is recited every early morning by the Maharashtra People. Samartha Ramdas Swami did very good work to make this great book.

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The birth name of Samarth Ramdas Swami was Narayan Suryaji Thosar. he was a spiritual poet of Maharashtra. He was a devotee of Lord Hanuman and Lord Rama.

He was an Indian Marathi Hindu saint, poet, and spiritual master. They Wrote much spiritual literature.

in Manache (मनाचे श्लोक ) Shlok You get to learn about ethical behavior and love for god. it teaches us how our mind is our friend, our enemy and how it can be our guru means teacher. all things about it you get to know.

Some people use their minds in the wrong way. that time it becomes an enemy for you. but when you use your mind to help someone and in a good way. you feel better and it becomes your friend.

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