मारुती स्तोत्र | Maruti Stotra PDF in Marathi

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In Hinduism, Lord Hanuman ji is called a troublemaker, which is why Hanuman ji is worshipped the most by all the people. The Maruti stotra was built in the seventh century.

This is a praise hymn of Hanuman ji. This hymn was composed by Sant Kavi Samarth Ramdas, a famous poet of the Marathi language. Appreciative verses have been used in this composition. All the qualities of Hanuman ji have been described in this stotra.

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Full Lyrics in Marathi Language

भीमरूपी महारुद्रा, वज्र हनुमान मारुती ।
वनारी अंजनीसूता, रामदूता प्रभंजना ।।1।।

महाबळी प्राणदाता, सकळां उठवीं बळें ।
सौख्यकारी शोकहर्ता, धूर्त वैष्णव गायका ।।2।।

दिनानाथा हरीरूपा, सुंदरा जगदंतरा ।
पाताळदेवताहंता, भव्य सिंदूरलेपना ।।3।।

लोकनाथा जगन्नाथा, प्राणनाथा पुरातना ।
पुण्यवंता पुण्यशीला, पावना परतोषका ।।4।।

ध्वजांगे उचली बाहू, आवेशें लोटिला पुढें ।
काळाग्नी काळरुद्राग्नी, देखतां कांपती भयें ।।5।।

ब्रह्मांड माईला नेणों, आवळें दंतपंगती ।
नेत्राग्नी चालिल्या ज्वाळा, भृकुटी त्राहिटिल्या बळें ।।6।।

पुच्छ तें मुरडिलें माथां, किरीटी कुंडलें बरीं ।
सुवर्णकटीकासोटी, घंटा किंकिणी नागरा ।।7।।

ठकारे पर्वताऐसा, नेटका सडपातळू ।
चपळांग पाहतां मोठें, महाविद्युल्लतेपरी ।।8।।

कोटिच्या कोटि उड्डाणें, झेपावे उत्तरेकडे ।
मंद्राद्रीसारिखा द्रोणू, क्रोधे उत्पाटिला बळें ।।9।।

आणिता मागुता नेला, गेला आला मनोगती ।
मनासी टाकिलें मागें, गतीस तूळणा नसे ।।10।।

अणूपासोनि ब्रह्मांडा, येवढा होत जातसे ।
तयासी तुळणा कोठें, मेरुमंदार धाकुटें ।।11।।

ब्रह्मांडाभोंवते वेढे, वज्रपुच्छ घालूं शके ।
तयासि तूळणा कैचीं, ब्रह्मांडीं पाहतां नसे ।।12।।

See also  దక్షిణామూర్తి స్తోత్రం | Dakshinamurthy Stotram Telugu PDF

आरक्त देखिलें डोळां, गिळीलें सूर्यमंडळा ।
वाढतां वाढतां वाढे, भेदिलें शून्यमंडळा ।।13।।

धनधान्यपशुवृद्धी, पुत्रपौत्र समग्रही ।
पावती रूपविद्यादी, स्तोत्र पाठें करूनियां ।।14।।

भूतप्रेतसमंधादी, रोगव्याधी समस्तही ।
नासती तूटती चिंता, आनंदें भीमदर्शनें ।।15।।

हे धरा पंधराश्लोकी, लाभली शोभली बरी।
दृढदेहो निसंदेहो, संख्या चंद्रकळागुणें ।।16।।

रामदासी अग्रगण्यू, कपिकुळासी मंडण
रामरूपी अंतरात्मा, दर्शनें दोष नासती ।।17।।

।। इति श्रीरामदासकृतं संकटनिरसनं मारुतिस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ।।
।। श्रीसीतारामचंद्रार्पणमस्तु ।।

By which we get to know what were the qualities of Hanuman ji. The primary section of the Maruti Stotra is the Bhimrupi Stotra.

Samarth Ramdas ji has described Maruti ji in a very beautiful way and his ideals have been told, if you imbibe all these qualities in yourself then your life will become like Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman ji supported Lord Rama and always worked for him.

That is why Maruti is considered to be an exclusive devotee of Lord Shri Ram. That is why it is said in the scriptures that if you question Lord Hanuman, then the blessings of Lord Shri Ram will always be with you.

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