Medical Fitness Certificate PDF

Medical Fitness Certificate is a document that gives various types of information about the health of the person. It is only through this document that it is known that you are medically fit. If you want to download Certificate Form PDF, then click on the link given below.

TitlePhysical/ Medical Fitness Certificate
SourceGovernment of India

Tests done to get Physical Fitness Certificate?

  • Blood Test
  • Urine Test
  • X Rays
  • Ultrasound
  • Cholesterol
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Chest Expansion
  • Lungs
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Hernia / Hydrocele / Varicocele/ Piles,
  • Allergies

Medical Fitness Certificate Form Format

I have examined Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. ……………… ………………………………………………………………

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Son / Daughter of Mr. …………………………….…… ………………………………………..…….……………… aged ……………………………. Years, of Village: …………..……..………………………… P.O. ………….…… ………….……………………….. District.………………….……… State .…..…..……………. PIN …………………… and

certify that he/ she is free from deafness, defective vision (including colour vision) or any other  infirmity, mental or physical, likely to interfere with the efficiency of his/ her work and find him/ her possessing good health. 

This certificate is being given to him /her for the purpose of ……………………………………… ………………………………….…………………

[Signature of Candidate]

(To be signed in presence of the Medical Officer) 

[Signature of Medical Officer]


[Name of Medical Officer:]

Dr. ……………….……………………

[Registration No.] ……………………………………………………………

Dated: Seal

Who Make This Certificate?

In India, a doctor who has a medical registration number can issue a physical fitness certificate only after a thorough medical examination.

Medical certificate granted by a Government Doctor/ qualified medical practitioner holding at least M.B.B.S. Degree and registered with the Medical Council of India, shall only be valid. The date of issue of the medical certificate should be within one year from the date of application.

See also  Railway Reservation/Cancellation Form PDF

How to make Physical/ Medical Fitness Certificate?

First of all, go to any government hospital near you. And apply for a certificate to the doctor present there. After that all kinds of tests will be done by the doctor. He will register its information on the certificate. It is suggested to all of you that you should make your certificate from the government hospital itself, because it is considered to be the most certified.

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