MI-17 V5 Helicopter Specifications PDF

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The Mil Mi-17 (NATO reporting name: Hip) is a Soviet designed Russian military helicopter family in production at two factories in Kazan and Ulan-Ude. It is known as the Mi-8M series in Russian service. The helicopter is mostly used as medium twin-turbine transport, as well as an armed gunship version.

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Mi-17 is efficiently used for cargo transportation. Its spacious cargo compartment of 23 m3 is fitted with portside and starboard sliding doors and rear ramp, which significantly facilitate loading and unloading procedures. this can accommodate up to 36 people in troop seats/ lengthy cargo/ vehicles. Loading capacity of the helicopter is 4 tons. Using external sling makes it possible to deliver up to 4 tons of bulky cargo to hard-to-reach destinations, to carry out assembling works. The helicopter can be equipped with water drop system for fire-fighting operations.

Helicopter NameMI-17 V5
Maximum level-flight speed, km/h250
Cruise speed, km/h230
Service ceiling, m6000
Flight range
with main fuel tanks, km
with 2 auxiliary fuel tanks, km

Maximum take-off weight, kg13000
Maximum payload, kg4000

Spec List

  1. Weather radar
  2. Pilot’s cockpit
  3. Nose landing gear
  4. Search light
  5. Portside sliding door frame
  6. LPG-150 winch
  7. SLG-300 winch
  8. Cargo compartment
  9. TV3-117VM or VK-2500-03 Engine
  10. Main gearbox
  11. Main rotor hub
  12. Main rotor blades
  13. Auxiliary power unit
  14. Radio equipment compartment
  15. Tail boom
  16. Tail rotor
  17. Rear ramp
  18. Main landing gear
  19. Main fuel tank
  20. Dust protection device
  21. C-8 type unguided missile armament
  22. Additional fuel tanks
  23. Gun armament
  24. Exhaust suppression system
  25. Light arms
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