Nitin Singhania Art and Culture Handwritten Notes For UPSC

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If your dream is to be an IAS so you are at the right place because today I am going to share with you all UPSC PSC Notes free in this post we are going to share with you UPSC which is very useful for UPSC and helpful for the pcs exam.

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Art is said to be the expression of human feelings, which is also indicative of the aesthetic sense of humans. Art means giving pleasure. Art is mainly divided into two parts “useful art” and “fine art”. The art which fulfills our daily needs is called useful art and that art that gives the feeling of beauty and attainment of pleasure is called fine art.

Indian Classical Dance

The six recognized schools of Indian classical dance developed as a part of religious ritual in which dancers worshipped the gods by telling stories about their lives and exploits. The principles of Indian Classical dance is derived from ‘Natya Shastra’ by Bharat Muni.

He traces its origin from lord Bramha. Lord Bramha created a fifth veda known as ‘Natyaveda’, representing the essence of four existing Vedas. For example, Pathya (words) were taken from Rigveda, Abhinaya (gestures) from Yajurveda, Geet(music) from Samaveda, Rasa(emotions) from Atharvaveda.

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