One Day Life Will Change Book PDF

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The title of the book is One Day, Life Will Change: A Story of love and Inspiration to win life when it hits you hard . . . which is written by Saranya Umakanthan

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AuthorSaranya Umakanthan
Size of PDF10 MB
No of Pages224
Credit / SourcePDF DRIVE

The story is related to a girl named Sameera, whose life is bent on running away from love, hope, and her aspirations after a major setback.

While Vivian is the successful and dynamic head of creative tanks and dreams of becoming the top entrepreneur in India. The two are chasing their broken dreams against all odds while inspiring each other.

When life throws lemons at you, squeeze them. God is fed up hearing your groans “Why am I?” The statement is good. Everyone has a good side for others, you, me, and everyone. It is a matter of time, after some time it comes to light.

It’s easy to read. You can complete the book in a meeting. How much love was there to support someone when he suffered. You will feel those feelings in this book.

Why should you read this book?

– Good storyline.
– Great chemistry between the characters.
– Excellent narration.
– Positivity and inspiration.

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