Operation Blue Star PDF Book by KS Brar

1984 Operation Blue Star PDF by KS Brar the true story Book

In this post i am going to share with you all operation blue star pdf which is published by Prabhat Prakashan and author of this book is KS Brar This book has the most detailed coverage. you all can get this k.s. brar book in Hindi pdf free download from the given link below.

In this book , author first presents a brief history of causes that eventually led to militancy in punjab and of course operation blue star . Then he gives detailed explanation and logic behind each and every move of Army and it’s Opponents inside . The role of contemporary political leaders is also analysed in detail . book in itself is a very unfortunate event but only a logical and sane debates on the issue can heal the wounds of victims.

this is the one and only true version of the operation which is narrated by writer because he is the person in charge “Operation Blue Star Ka Sach” sir i’ve read such a nice book on terrorism and emotions of soldiers first time in my life the book holds a great grip and is a very deep thought book

AuthorKS Brar
PublisherPrabhat Prakashan
LanguageHindi / English / Punjabi
Size1054 KB

this book is available in hindi and english: The True Story by Kuldip Singh Brar you all can download both book from the given below link.

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