RRB NTPC Preparation Tips: Best Strategy to crack the NTPC Exam

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts the RRB NTPC exam to hire eligible applicants for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) graduates and undergraduates in various departments in Indian Railways. Thousands of RRB NTPC Vacancies are released every year and more than a lakh of candidates apply for the post, but only a few would crack all the stages of the exam. Since the exam is held in four stages i.e First Stage CBT, Second Stage CBT, Typing Skill/Computer Based Test, and Document Verification, thus the candidates will get enough time to prepare for the exam.

A huge number of candidates apply for this post to secure a government job in Indian Railways that offers amazing career growth and an attractive salary package including several perks and benefits. In order to increase the chances for the selection, the candidates should strategize the preparation in a way that they maintain accuracy and minimum negative marks while marking the response at different phases of the exam. Here, in this article, we have shared RRB NTPC Preparation Tips for the aspirants who wish to achieve the best results in the upcoming exam.

Go through Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Before starting the preparation, it is important for the candidates to go through the exam pattern and syllabus mentioned in RRB NTPC Notification. Candidates appearing for the exam should be familiar with the exam format, marking scheme, and important topics with the help of the NTPC Exam Pattern and Syllabus. After analyzing the detailed syllabus, one can identify the important and relevant topics for the preparation. Jot down the important topics and give equal importance to all the topics to prepare in a systematic manner.

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Enhance General Awareness Skill

General Awareness is one of the highest-scoring sections because it carries maximum marks in CBT I and CBT II rounds. Questions related to current affairs and statistical knowledge are asked in this section. Reading newspapers and magazines for current affairs daily would sharpen the general awareness skills of the candidate. Other than that, they should also focus on pages like Economy, Science, Business, Technology, Polity, and Sports. Apart from the newspaper, the candidates should go through NCERT books for static knowledge for History, Geography, and so on and read one of the latest Yearbooks based on the current year from a famous publication to gain information about Honours & Recognition, Books & Author, Appointment, and etc.

Practice RRB NTPC Mock Test

Candidates who wish to obtain a high score in the exam should practice with the mock tests to strengthen their level of preparation. Railway NTPC is one of the most competitive exams and attempting regular mock tests will increase the selection chances of the candidates. Railway Recruitment Board releases the official RRB NTPC Mock Test Link so that the candidates can get familiar with the exam. Aspirants are advised to attempt mock tests as many as possible to improve their speed, accuracy, and overall performance. Identify the weak areas and take corrective action to turn them into strengths.

Solve Previous Year Question Paper

Candidates should solve the previous year’s question paper to increase their familiarity with the types of questions asked previously along with the difficulty level and improve their time management skills for the actual test. There are several questions that are repeated from the previous year’s paper therefore the candidates should practice a lot of questions from the previous year’s question paper. Regular practice is one of the best preparation strategies to crack the exam because in doing so the aspirants develop their own way of solving the questions in the stipulated time.

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Maintain and Revise Notes

Candidates should prepare and maintain notes on the topics while studying them. The RRB NTPC Syllabus is quite vast and the candidates are required to retain a lot of important information covered during the preparation. Therefore, they should regularly revise notes of the already covered topic to avoid forgetting anything before the exam.

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