Shankar IAS Environment 9th Edition PDF Free Download

If you are preparing for the UPSC exam, we have brought you the Shankar IAS Environment 9th Edition PDF, which is considered a highly important book for UPSC CSE. It is widely regarded as the best book on the environment and has been recommended by many toppers.

PublisherShankar Academy
Book Edition9th
Publishing Year2024

As you know cracking the UPSC exam is not an easy task, if you do not have the right strategy and better books and knowledge then you will not be able to pass this exam.

It is very important for you to have a good knowledge of this subject to clear the IAS Prelims/Main Exam. The priority topics are given below. Aspects related to ecology: get acquainted with concepts like an ecosystem, keystone species, niche, food chain, food web, etc.

we have given the below list of all books and notes of environment subjects including Environment for upsc exam which you can download easily for getting good marks in UPSC cse.

9th edition, 2023 – To help students in acquiring the essentials of the topic ‘environment’ during preparation for the Civil Services Examination, Shankar IAS Academy has brought the book, ‘Environment’.

This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission which conducts these examinations. The language of the book is simple and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Plus the distinctive design makes it easy to navigate and read.

Latest Edition Included Topics

This book is completely dedicated on environment and covers all concepts and points. It focuses on topics like environmental ecology, bio-diversity and Climate change. Some of the topics discussed in the book include ecological pyramid and nutrient cycling, ecosystem rainforest, deciduous monsoon forest, Biome, bread basket region, food chain, primary consumer, food web, ecological pyramid, ecological explosion, ecotone, chemosynthesis, biogeochemical cycle, Miss semple, possibilism, stratosphere, biosphere, species types, nutritional eutrophication, acid rain, marble cancer, soil types, biogeographical realm, xerophytic, Nitrogen cycle, greenhouse gas, biodiversity hotspots, Ozone depletion, club of Rome, planktonic, biological magnification, young lakes, good Ozone and bio-diversity loss. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can their knowledge and check their understanding. Shankar IAS Academy began its journey in the year 2004.

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