[Upsc Topper] IAS Shruti Sharma Notes PDF and Booklist

Hi, there today we are going to share with you all upsc topper 2021 AIR-1 Shruti Sharma Notes pdf these study material very helpful for upsc aspirants we have provides below Shruti’s Polity, Economy, Environment, History optional (modern, medieval, ancient), sci-tech, governance and geography complete notes you all can download this just one click.

Shruti Sharma is the topper of the Civil Services Examination 2021 who has got rank 1 in the UPSC CSE. She hails from Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh. She scored 1105 marks in this exam.


Prelims Booklist

PolityLaxmikant, Bare Act
EnvironmentShankar book
HistoryFor ancient and medieval: Relied on my optional notes and knowledge; Fine Arts 11th NCERT, Themes NCERTs
Modern History: Spectrum
Science and TechAyaz Sir notes, will also suggest 9, 10th NCERT for basic understanding for non science background students
EconomicsZulfiqar Sir notes
GeographyClass 11, 12th NCERTs
Current AffairsVision PT 365, Last year on the recommendation of a friend also selectively looked at PIB news, some issues of New India Samachar before the Prelims
Other ResourcesBesides the basic books, Analysis of previous year papers and consequently making notes of certain sections- National parks and sanctuaries (plotted on google map), Patron-client/major ancient Indian authors, Buddhism and Jainism, Animals under Species Recovery program, Mapwork (I looked at Youtube videos of Anurag Singh- IAS knowledge mantra) (Some of these notes or links I will upload soon)
See also  NCERT History Notes for UPSC PDF

Mains Booklist

Apart from the above books, I made my own notes based on syllabus, some notes we made collectively in our study group (Mini Shukla, Stanzin Wangyal and Bisaka Dagur), and consistently added to it from regular newspaper reading. Shortly before the Mains, did selective reading of Vision Mains 365 and Vajiram ‘Most probable topics’ for current affairs. Gave importance to answer writing, making own model answers of previous year questions etc.

Complete Notes of Shruti Sharma

Ethics Part-1

Ethics Part-2


Social Issue


Science and Technology


Misc Social Issue GS-1

Ancient India-1

Ancient India-2

Modern Indian History

Medieval India-1

Medieval India-2

Prelims Matter Maps



Species Recovery Program

Environment (gases)

National Parks / Wildlife

Some of my practice answers over the months, the structuring and content of my answers also changed over the months, hope some of the content proves useful to some of you. It is likely to contain some errors as well, so try to take what you find of some value.

Sci-tech Answer

Polity Answer

Ethics Answer

Indian Society

Indian Geography Answer

Vision IAS Answer Practice

Security & Governance

Note: Apart from the notes, I used Self Study history previous year question solutions, self study history test series solutions and IasHub test series solutions for topics which I had not covered under my notes. Certain sections I also used from Chandrajyoti Singh’s notes available online (AIR28, CSE 2019), esp for sections in medieval and modern for which I did not have notes.

Note: The following are GS notes prepared cumulatively by Mini Shukla (Rank 96 CSE21), Stanzin Wangyal(IRS), Vishakha Dagur and I.

See also  Drishti IAS Indian Polity Notes PDF Book in Hindi

My association with coaching institutions: During graduation: Byjus and Vajiram and Ravi However my serious preparation started after my graduation only, in terms of material I mainly used the basic books enumerated above along with self notes. Jamia Residential Coaching Academy was helpful for me mainly for an amicable study environment, peer group and group study.

GS Test series – ForumIAS for both GS and Essay. I also attempted a couple of tests of Vajiram, as it was associated with RCA for test series in 2021. I found both test series to be good.

History Optional – I took the Combined package of Maps and Solved Previous year question papers from Self Study History which was helpful. Test series- Self Study History(2020), IAS Hub Test series(2021)- both were good in terms of model answer content which could be used to plug gaps in my own notes effectively.

Source: https://t.me/shrutisharma97

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