Download Free HD PDF of SSC MCQ OMR Sheet

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Hello friends, today I am going to provide SSC OMR Sheet Optical mark recognition (also known as optical mark reading and OMR) is the process of reading information which people mark on survey, test and other paper documents.

SSC OMR is used as shaded areas to read questionnaires, multiple choice examination papers.

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  • Time can be saved by OMR scanner as you can go through more than 10000 copies through OMR scanner within 1 hour.
  • The probability of error in this process is negligible
  • There is no problem in collecting data through OMR Scanner and data can be collected easily.

It is important to fill the OMR sheet properly because if that mark sheet is not darkened properly. So the Optical Mark Reader will not be able to collect that data. OMR can be used to collect only those data in which more than one option has to be selected i.e. if you want to collect single data then you cannot use OMR.

If you want to collect any single data, then you cannot use OMR because it is designed only for Multiple Choices. next disadvantage is that if you have accidentally filled an answer wrong, then you cannot correct it after that. That is why a lot of attention has to be paid while filling these circles.

Instruction For Marking

  • Use black blue ballpoint pen only
  • Mark only e choice for each question as indicated below
  • Any change correction in the responses or use of correcting fluid is prohibited
  • Failure to adhere to instruction in the on 30th may reader your and on their feet is as invalid at it may not be evaluated
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