Download PDF of UPSC Result 2020 Topper List
Those who are preparing for UPSC were waiting for UPSC Final Result 2020 for a long time. Because UPSC CSE 2020 Written Exam was held in January 2021 and the Interview (Personality Test) was held from August to September.
But finally UPSC IAS Result is out. This time a total of 761 candidates have secured ranks in this list, out of which 151 candidates are provisional recommended.
Shubham Kumar secured AIR 1 and Jagriti Awasthi secured AIR 2, ANKITA JAIN AIR 3, YASH JALUKA AIR 4, MAMTA YADAV AIR 5 in UPSC CSE 2020.
You will get the list of all 761 candidates from the link given below, by clicking on which you can download it.