IAS Gamini Singla: Biography, Marksheet, Age, Copy, Marks, Notes, Booklist

UPSC Civil Services Topper Gamini Singla IAS 2021 Biography, Marksheet, Age, Answer Copy, Marks, Notes, Booklist, Strategy (AIR-3)

The Union Public Service Commission has released the final result of UPSC 2021 on Monday, May 30. In which Gamini Singla has achieved All India Rank-3.

At present, 685 candidates have been selected in the UPSC examination, out of which 244 are from the general category, women and economically weaker sections and in addition, 203 candidates are from the other backward classes, 105 from the scheduled castes and 8 from the scheduled tribes. And the result of 80 candidates is provisional, while the result of one candidate has been withheld due to unknown reasons.

Gamini, who hails from Anandpur Sahib, Punjab, has topped the UPSC exam this time by securing Rank 3 all over India.

Gamini singla, an alumnus of Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh, after completing her B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering, devoted her entire focus to the UPSC exam preparation and cleared the Civil Services exam in the second attempt.

“I used to study for 9-10 hours a day. I took coaching from Vinod sir in Patiala. Mostly I did self-study preparing for the examination, and finally I got through. My father played an important role in helping me prepare for the exam,” she said.

She said that becoming an IAS was her dream since childhood and since 2020 she was doing self-study by staying at home. “My family, especially my father, has helped me a lot emotionally and in studies too,” he said, adding that his father used to read newspapers for him so that he could save his time.

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Gamini’s father Dr. Alok Singla and mother Dr. Neeraj Singla are both medical officers in the Himachal Pradesh government and her brother is a graduate of IIT Kharakpur.

Professor Rajesh Bhatia, teacher of PEC said that Gamini was already an honest and hardworking student. He said that she was a class representative and also got a job offer during campus placement but she did not join as she already wanted to become an IAS officer.

Complete Wiki

NameGamini Singla
Exam Year2021
Rank in CSEAIR 3
Age [2022]23 Years Old
Roll No.3524519
Total Attempt in CSE2
Optional SubjectSociology
Education MediumEnglish
Current Posting
Home town/cityAnandpur Sahib, Punjab.
12th Percentage
10th Percentage
Upsc Marks1045

She also said that she did not give up after she was not clear in her first attempt and continued to work hard to clear the exam.

Baldev Setia, Director, PEC said that it is a proud moment for the institute that one of its alumni is among the toppers of UPSC Civil Services Examination. “His achievement will encourage many of our graduates to come,” he said.

UPSC Marks

Written Total858
PT Marks (Interview)187
Final Total Marks1045

Answer Copy

Checked Answer Copy 1/2

Checked Answer Copy 2/2

Gamini’s Booklist

A brief history of modern India (Spectrum)Get Here
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin SinghaniaGet Here
Certificate Physical & Human Geography by GC LeongGet Here
AtlasGet Here
Indian Polity by LaxmikanthGet Here
Indian EconomyGet Here
Shankar IAS EnvironmentGet Here
Internal Security and Disaster Management by AshokGet Here

Mock Interview

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