Upsc Topper 2020 IAS Jagrati Awasthi Biography AIR-2

Upsc Topper 2021 IAS Jagrati Awasthi Biography AIR-2

Jagrati Awasthi is a 24 year B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) graduate student who cracked UPSC Civil Services exam in 2020 and secured 2nd rank, Jagrati secured 2rd rank among women in country’s toughest examination. she is a resident of MP (Madhya Pradesh) completed her graduation in Electrical Engineering from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology MANIT Bhopal. Soon after she completed her graduation, she appeared for UPSC Civil Services exam.

She started her preparation by joining a coaching institute in Delhi but after the spread of Covid 19, she had to return home to Bhopal.

Awsathi said, “Covid 19 and lockdown created an obstacle for me but didn’t stop me. I came back and joined online classes.”

My father, SC Awasthi, a homeopath, and my brother Suyash Awasthi is an MBBS second-year student, helped me in concentrating more on my studies, she added.


Jagrati Complete Wiki

NameJagrati Awasthi
Exam Year2020
Rank in CSEAIR 2
Age [2021]24
Roll No.0415262
Total Attempt in CSE2
Optional SubjectSociology
Education MediumEnglish
Current Posting
Home town/cityMadhya Pradesh
12th Percentage
10th Percentage
Upsc Marks
Work-experienceTechnical Offices in BHEL

“When I started preparation, I used to study 8-10 hours daily. In 2019, I appeared in the exam for the first time but I didn’t clear even prelims. I realized that with hard work, I need to do smart work too. I practiced many questions and am happy that I cleared the exam in the second attempt,” she added.

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Jagrati gave credit for her success to her mother Madhulata Awasthi as she left the job to help her in her studies.

“My parents didn’t watch TV for the past four years as firstly my parents wanted my brother to clear NEET and later for my studies. Even they used to talk over the phone outside the house and hardly used to share any personal news. My mother was a school teacher but she left her job for helping us in studies,” she added.

When I was not selected in my first attempt, I was a little depressed but my mother said don’t curse your luck but do more hard work. She was right, I finally got success said Jagrati. Now, Jagrati wants to do work for rural development as an IAS officer.

IAS topper Jagrati Awasthi, Rank 2 in the IAS exam 2020, is an MANIT Bhopal graduate in Electrical Engineering. she appeared first time for upsc cse in 2019 and this was her 2nd attempt in UPSC.

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