IAS Naman Kumar Singla Upsc Notes (AIR-47 CSE 2021)

Welcome to another useful post today we are going to share with you all upsc cse topper 2021 IAS Naman kumar singla complete notes pdf for civil service exam.

Hi there! My name is Naman Kumar Singla, and I’ve secured AIR 47 in UPSC CSE 2021. This was my first attempt at ‘cracking’ the exam, after I graduated from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi in 2020.

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these notes are built around my preparation needs, and have been modified accordingly. For instance, I’d often delete stuff that seemed obvious to me or was something I had memorized, in later revisions. This is why, I’d reiterate what every other topper says: there’s nothing quite like one’s own notes.

Evaluated Answer Copies: This is a Google Drive link to all of my evaluated answer copies for Mains. There are 4 sectional PSIR mocks, and 11 GS mocks in here.


Prelims Marksheet
Mains Marksheet

Optional Notes


PSIR International Relations (used Dhananjay Yadav’s notes, with significant additions, editing, changes, etc.)

Theory of IR

Static Sources/Prelims Notes

Current Affairs: Economics, Sci & Tech, Environment, Miscellaneous (Schemes, News, etc.)

History: Ancient India, Medieval India

Environment: Species


Maps: Geography + Environment, Art and Culture

Sample Mains One-Page Notes for use as prototype (will gradually upload all)

1. GS 1

2. GS 2

3. GS 3

4. Ethics

5. Value-addition content: Articles, Committees, etc.

Other useful stuff I found from topper channels, coaching websites, etc.


World History (Dhananjay’s notes)

Quote Book

Naman Kumar Singla Bloghttps://solilowkey.in/

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