Valentine’s Day Week List 2023 PDF [Wishes, Quotes]

Hello friends, today we are going to talk about Valentine’s Day Week 2023 list. Why is Valentine’s Day celebrated all over the world and in India. However, the festivities begin a week before with Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, and Kiss Day. Let us know the importance and purpose of celebrating 7 days of love.

By the way, every one of you knows why February is called the month of love because this month has been said to be very special for lovers. We also know it by the name of the festival of love, which starts from 7th February to 14th February. People all over the world must have started preparing grand gestures for their crush, family, and partner.

If you are in love with a girl and are in a long time relationship, then this month will be very special for you. On February 14, people go on a date with their crush or express their love by going on a romantic date by giving a special gift of love to their partner.

Many people like to spend time alone with their partner and surprise them by preparing delicious food and handmade gifts for them. The seven days of love before Valentine’s Day include Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, and Kiss Day.

Valentine’s Week List 2023 Dates and Days

February 7 – Rose Day

The celebration of Valentine’s week begins with Rose Day, which is celebrated on 7 February. On this special occasion, people express their love by giving rose flowers to their loved ones, crushes, and relatives. The color of the rose also has a different significance on this day. Red roses are considered a symbol of love, yellow roses symbolize friendship, pink roses symbolize appreciation and a yellow rose with red tips means that feelings of friendship turn into love. Gone and many more.

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February 8 – Propose Day

The second day of Valentine’s week is ‘Propose Day’. Which is celebrated on the second day (7 February) of Rose Day. On this day people express their love to their crush or partner. Many will choose the classic dinner date, while some will go over the top with their proposal ideas on Propose Day 2023.

February 9 – Chocolate Day

The third day of Valentine’s Week is celebrated as Chocolate Day, which falls on 9th February. On this day people forget the bitterness of their relatives and friends and exchange chocolates with their crushes and partners. Many people gift a collection of candies made of chocolate to their loved ones. and hope that their relationship always remains sweet. Chocolates are some of the most well-loved delicacies.

February 10 – Teddy Day

The fourth day of Valentine’s Week is celebrated as Teddy Day, which falls on 10 February. On this day people wish to bring happiness to their crush by gifting them a cute teddy bear.

February 11 – Promise Day

The fifth day of Valentine’s Week is celebrated as Promise Day, which falls on 11 February. On this day, loving couples promise to be with each other in times of sorrow and take a vow to strengthen their relationship and support each other.

February 12 – Hug Day

The sixth day of Valentine’s Week is celebrated as Hug Day, which falls on 12 February. This day is a special day for people in love. On this day people console their loved ones by hugging them. The language of physical touch works wonders when words fail to express feelings. Because a hug will help your loved ones know that you are there for them, ready to solve any problem, and that you can clear their doubts or worries.

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February 13 – Kiss Day

Kiss Day is celebrated on February 13, a day before Valentine’s Day. On this day you express your love for your beloved in the most romantic way. On this day you express love with feelings and not with words. A gentle kiss can express love better than 1000 words. On this day, kiss your sweetheart without any hesitation.

February 14 – Valentine’s Day

So finally, 14 February is marked as the day of love around the world i.e. Valentine’s Day. On this day lovers make this occasion special by going on romantic dates, exchanging various gifts, spending time with each other, and planning surprises. After Valentine’s Week, people celebrate Anti-Valentine’s Week, unrelated to love and romance. It starts with Slap Day, followed by Kick A, Perfume Day, Flirt Day, Confession Day, and Missing Day.

DateDayValentine Day Name
7th February 2023TuesdayRose Day
8th February 2023WednesdayPropose Day
9th February 2023ThursdayChocolate Day
10th February 2023FridayTeddy Day
11th February 2023SaturdayPromise Day
12th February 2023SundayHug Day
13th February 2023MondayKiss Day
14th February 2023TuesdayValentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Wishes, Quotes

“The most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me in this world is you and there is nothing more I want. With lots of love, wishing you a very Happy Valentine’s Day.”

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you Happy Valentine’s Week!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life.

You’re my everything. Happy Valentine’s Week!

May this Valentine’s Week be filled with love, understanding, and contentment as you journey through life with those you hold dear!

To another Valentine’s Day spent with the love of my life, and to many more.

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