IAS Vishakha Yadav Marksheet, Biography, Booklist

The Union Public Service Commission UPSC has released the results of the Civil Services Examination 2019 and Vishakha Yadav secured 6th rank in the country’s toughest examination.

Smt Vishakha Yadav IAS (2020), has been allocated AGMUT cadre to Indian Administrative Service(IAS) on the basis of the Civil Services Examination(CSE)-2019.

Below we have shared Vishakha’s ethics notes booklet and mark sheet.

Booklist of Vishakha

Book TitleLink to Book
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Wiki / Biography

Vishakha Yadav was born in 1994, her mother’s name is Sarita Yadav, and father’s name is Rajkumar Yadav. Vishakha is a resident of Delhi Dwarka and she did her schooling in Delhi. She has been very good in her studies since childhood, due to which she scored good marks in the 10th and 12th exams. After passing class 12, she obtained an engineering degree from Delhi Technological University, due to which she got selected through placement in the college where her salary was in lakhs.

Exam YearUPSC CSE 2019
NameIAS Vishakha Yadav
Age (2022)28 years old
RankAIR 6
Total Marks1046/2025
OptionalPSIR (From Shubhra Ranjan IAS)
Book ListUpdate Soon
Cadre Allocation / PostingAGMUT
Mains Test Series Copy
Answer Sheet
Study Notes
Vishakha Yadav

After working for 2 years, Vishakha decided to prepare for the Civil Services Examination which her family supported her.

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When she gave her first attempt at UPSC, she could not even clear the prelims exam, after that she gave a second attempt, then she failed again in the prelims exam, but even after two consecutive failures, she did not give up and started in her third attempt.

Vishakha learned from the mistakes of her first two attempts and after hard work secured 6th rank in UPSC on her third attempt and became an IAS.

Marksheet and Marks

Essay (Paper-I)132/250
General Studies-I (Paper-II)102/250
General Studies-II (Paper-III)121/250
General Studies-III (Paper-IV)93/250
General Studies-IV (Paper-V)162/250
Optional-I (PSIR) (Paper-VI)139/250
Optional-II (PSIR) (Paper-VII)107/250
Written Total856/1750
Personality Test190/275
Final Total1046/2025
Vishakha Yadav marksheet

Booklet / Answer Copy

General Studies

General Studies

General Studies

General Studies

General Studies



Many people dream of becoming an IAS, but there are only a few candidates who can fulfill this dream. Because to fulfill this dream, along with hard work, good resources are also needed. Because we all know that cracking the IAS exam is not an easy task, for this you need hard work and patience.

Despite being a tough exam, there are many such students who have cracked this exam, this exam is conducted in three stages, Preliminary, Main Exam, and Personality Test. Those who cross these three states are Gets selected for IAS, IPS, IFos, and IRS service.

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