Vision IAS Environment Notes 2024 PDF [Printed Notes] for UPSC CSE Preparation

Hello, my dear friends! As you all are aware, preparing for the UPSC exam requires various types of materials, which can come in the form of standard books or coaching institute notes. Today, we are pleased to introduce Vision IAS Environment Notes PDF for students like you. These notes have been meticulously crafted to encompass vital UPSC topics. With the assistance of these notes, you can achieve outstanding results in the UPSC exam.

Key Highlights in Vision IAS EVS Notes

Many crucial topics are covered in the Environment Notes provided by Vision IAS Institute, including sustainable development, sustainable agriculture, government initiatives, environmental ethics, and critically endangered species of India. These notes offer you a profound understanding, which is immensely valuable for the UPSC exam.

Understanding the Natural Environment

The term “natural environment” primarily refers to the Earth, encompassing everything that exists naturally as opposed to artificial creations. This concept plays a pivotal role in understanding all the natural elements present around us and holds significant importance, especially in the context of UPSC exams.


Ecology is a scientific discipline that focuses on studying how organisms interact with each other within their physical environment.

How to Define Environment

Environment is a broad concept that includes all the conditions and influences that affect the development and survival of life on Earth. It includes everything that surrounds us, making it an essential subject for UPSC aspirants.


  • Understanding ecology
  • Types of ecosystem
  • Understanding ecology.
  • Mangroves
  • Corals
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation of biodiversity
  • Protected areas network
  • Policy and institutional measures
  • Species-specific measures
  • Land and its degradation
  • Water and its conservation
  • Energy resources and their conservation
  • Pollution and related issues
  • Waste management
  • Climate change and global warming
  • Combating climate change
  • Sustainable development
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Environment impact assessment
  • Environmental ethics
See also  Vision IAS PT 365 For 2025 PDF [Hindi+English]

Upsc Previous Year Questions

  1. What are the consequences of spreading of ‘Dead Zones’ on marine ecosystem? (2018) (10 marks)
  2. Define the concept of the carrying capacity of an ecosystem as relevant to an environment. Explain how understanding this concept is vital while planning for the sustainable development of a region. (2019)(15 marks)
  3. Discuss the wetlands and their role in ecological conservation in India. (10 MARKS)(2009)
  4. List any eight ‘Ramsar’ wetland sites located in India. What is the ‘Montreux Record’ and what Indian sites are included in this Record? (2011)(12 marks)
  5. What is wetland? Explain the Ramsar concept of ‘wise use’ in the context of wetland conservation. Cite two examples of Ramsar sites from India.(2018)(10 marks)
  6. Discuss the causes of depletion of mangroves and explain their importance in maintaining coastal ecology. (2019)
  7. What are mangroves and in what way are they useful to us? (2001)
  8. Assess the impact of global warming on the coral life system with examples.(2019)
  9. Sikkim is the first ‘Organic State’ in India. What are the ecological and economical benefits of Organic State? (2018)

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12 thoughts on “Vision IAS Environment Notes 2024 PDF [Printed Notes] for UPSC CSE Preparation”

  1. Plss upload part-1 and part2 and other subjects updated notes if possible……🙏

  2. Can anyone upload all modules of vision for cse 2023..please upload it here …it will be of great help for me🙏

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