Vision IAS Science and Technology Notes PDF

if you want to download Vision IAS Science and Technology PDF 2021 [Printed Classroom Material] you can get it below. If you want to do or prepare for the UPSC exam, then you must have heard about Vision IAS because Vision IAS is a very popular coaching institute. which is very popular for UPSC they Publish every year UPSC notes which is very important from an exam point of view.

This is important because it covers all the essential topics of Sci and Tech like IT and Computers Space Technology Defense Technology Nano-Technology Bio-Technology Achievements of Indians in science & technology etc.

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it is an interdisciplinary topic encompassing sci, technology, and their interactions: sci is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of explanations and predictions about nature and the universe. 

will cover the following topics.

  1. Achievements of Indians in sci-tech Indigenization of technology and development of new technology
  2. IT and Computers
  3. Space Technology
  4. Defense Technology
  5. Nano-Technology
  6. Bio-Technology
  7. Energy Technology
  8. Health Technology
  9. Science Reporter
  10. Part 2: Emerging and Significant Technologies

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