World Physical Map PDF

Through the World Physical Map, we can study the physical features of the world. Through this map, we get information about mountains, valleys, hills, lakes, deserts, bodies of water, and other landforms.

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using this map we can get information about all continents.

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Along with this, you can also study about the temperature changes of different countries.

Because as we see, there is very little cold in India, while it is very cold in Russia, this is because the cold winds from the Arctic Circle come directly to Russia, whereas the Himalaya Mountains in India block all these winds. Due to which the effect of cold winds does not fall in India.

Apart from this, weather, climate change are also known through the World Physical Map. Along with this, the area with the highest rainfall can also be detected.

If you want to know about the physical features, then you must download this. With its help, you can study all types of physical features. Click on the link given below to download the PDF.

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