Research Methodology PDF by Ranjit Kumar

If are you also looking for the Research Methodology Ranjit Kumar pdf book in Google, then you are in the right place because today we are going to share with you Ranjit Kumar’s book, which is a very good book, if you read this book well, then you will know well about Methodology.

AuthorRanjit Kumar
Edition4th, 5th

it is the systematic analysis of the methods used in a study area. It does not look at scientific information but at the principles, techniques, and methods used to obtain that information.

A Step by Step Guide for Beginners has been written specifically for those with no previous experience in research or research methodology. Written in a logical and accessible style and providing helpful techniques and examples, it breaks the process of designing and doing a research project into eight manageable operational steps.

Book Introduction

This book is based upon my experiences in research as a student, practitioner and teacher. The difficulties I faced in understanding research as a student, my discoveries about what was applicable and inapplicable in the field as a practitioner, and my development of the ability effectively to communicate difficult concepts in simple language without sacrificing technicality and accuracy as a teacher have become the basis of this book.

Research methodology is taught as a supporting subject in several ways in many academic disciplines such as health, education, psychology, social work, nursing, public health, library studies and marketing research. The core philosophical base for this book comes from my conviction that, although these disciplines vary in content, their broad approach to a research enquiry is similar. This book, therefore, is addressed to these academic disciplines.

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Research as a subject is taught at different levels. The book is designed specifically for students who are newcomers to research and who may have a psychological barrier with regard to the subject. I have therefore not assumed any previous knowledge on the part of the reader; I have omitted detailed discussion of aspects that may be inappropriate for beginners; I have used many flow charts and examples to communicate concepts; and areas covered in the book follow a ‘simple to complex’ approach in terms of their discussion and coverage.

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