If you are preparing for UPSC and any other government exam, then today we will share with you Vision IAS Ecology, Environment & Disaster Management Notes PDF [Printed Notes] Which are specially made for the students preparing for Civil Services and also important for exam point of view you can download the file of all these notes from below.
this covers all GS-3 portion of UPSC and cover all the important points of Ecology, Environment & Disaster Management.
Ecology: Ecology can be defined as a scientific study of the interactions of organisms with their physical environment and with each other. The term ecology is derived from the Greek word ‘oikos’ meaning ‘house’, combined with the word ‘logy’ meaning the ‘science of’ or ‘the study of ’. Literally, ecology is the study of the earth as a ‘household’, of plants, human beings, animals, and micro-organisms. They all live together as interdependent components.
Disaster: A disaster is an event. It is a calamity or tragedy or a consequence of a hazard. Natural hazards that cause great loss to human life and the economy are called disasters and catastrophes. A disaster disrupts the normal function of society.
- Biosphere And Working Of Ecosystems
- Biodiversity
- Plant Communities And Major Vegetation
- Wetlands
- Environmental Change: Climate Change And Pollution
- National And International Conventions
- Post 2015 Development Framework-sustainable
Development Goals - Gm Crops
- Sustainable Habitat Green Building Norms In India