Colour Mixing Chart PDF

Paint Colour Mixing Chart PDF Free Download

We all know that children love to play with colours, so they must know about the Mixing Chart, so that they can learn about colour mixing while playing.

Although apart from this, the colour mixing chart is also used in Paint. Mixing technique is used to make paint of a particular colour.

For example, if you want to make purple, then for this you have to mix red and blue colour.

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There are many types of colours present in the environment. There are so many of them that we can’t even get them.

We all see that there are many types of green colour, Dark Green, Light Green, Yellow-Green etc.

The colours are mixed with the help of a computer to paint. Because there is such a subtle difference in colours, that ordinary man cannot mix it.That’s why we have to take the help of computers.

Apart from painting, colours are also used for painting. The painter makes a good painting with the help of these colours. This painting is so attractive that it is sold in crores.

The painter also uses the colour mixing chart in making the painting, because all types of colours are not already present, they are made by the colour mixing technique itself.

Types of Primary Colours

There are 3 primary colours. Reed, Blue and Yellow.

  • Red + Blue = Violet (Purple)
  • Yellow + Red = Orange
  • Blue + Yellow = Green
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  • Yellow + Green = Yellow-Green (Leaf)
  • Orange + Yellow = Deep Yellow
  • Blue + Violet (Purple) = Blue-Violet
  • Red + Violet (Purple) = Red-Violet (Purple)
  • Blue + Green = Blue-Green
  • Red + Orange = Red-Orange

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