Download Ishihara 38 Colour Blindness Test Book PDF is colour vision book for testing for Colour Deficiency.
The series of plates designed as a test for color deficiency SHINOBUISHIHARA M.D, Dr.Med Sc Professor Emeritus Of the University of Tokyo member of the Japan Academy 38 plates edition.
This series of 38 plates is designed for a test. Such persons who want to get a quick and accurate assessment of congenital origin color vision deficiency, then you can do it through this. This is the most common form of color vision disturbance.
Congenital color vision deficiency Most of the cases are red and green color deficiency which can be of two types; First, a proton type that can be complete (protanopia) or partial (protanomalia), and second, a Dutton type that can be complete (deuteranopia) or partial (deuteranomelia).
Do I know anyone that is color blind?
- Being color blind is almost always genetic, meaning people are born with it
- The odds that someone even in your own classroom is color blind are very high
- About 1 in 25 kids has some form of color blindness. It is a sex-linked trait, meaning it is usually more common in boys than girls.
- This is because girls can carry the gene, which means they have it but are not affected by it, while boys are not able to do this. If a boy has the gene, he is always affected