Mechanics By Krishna Series Book PDF

Download B.SC 2nd Year Mechanics By Krishna Series Book PDF

This book on MECHANICS By Krishna Series pdf has been specially written according to the latest Unified Syllabus to meet the requirements of the B.A. and B.Sc. Part-II Students of all Universities in Uttar Pradesh.

This book is important for UPSC Optional, IIT JEE Mains, Graduation College Students BSC all sem (1st, 2nd, 3rd year), BA (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th semester), Engineering, Preparing for SSC, Banking And Other Competitive Examination.

Name of BookMechanics
AuthorA. R. Vasishtha
PublisherKrishna Prakashan

Each and every topic in the book has been explained in a simple way so that the students did not face any difficulty in understanding the topics. The proofs of various theorems were given with fine detail so that the student could solve the questions in different ways . Each chapter in this book contains complete theory and a fairly large number of solved examples. In this, sufficient problems have also been selected from the examination papers of different universities. And at the end of each chapter there is a collection of objective type questions.


Unit-1: Velocity and acceleration along radial and transverse directions, and along tangential and normal directions, Simple harmonic motion, Motion under other laws of forces, Earth attraction, Elastic strings.

Unit-2: Motion in resisting medium, Constrained motion (circular and cycloidal only).

Unit-3: Motion on smooth and rough plane curves, Rocket motion, Central orbits and Kepler’s law, Motion of a particle in three dimensions.

See also  Trigonometry | Krishna Series


Unit-4: Common catenary, Centre of gravity, Stable and unstable equilibrium, Virtual work.

Unit-5: Forces in three dimensions, Poinsot’s central axis, Wrenches, Null line and null plane.

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