UPSC CSE Service Allocation List 2022 PDF [IAS, IPS, IFS]

UPSC has now released the complete list of candidates in the UPSC CSE Service Allocation List 2022 PDF. Through this list, UPSC candidates can know their service allocation.

The UPSC civil services 2022 recommended candidates have been allocated services, as per the update available on the official website of the Department of Personnel and Training. A total of 586 candidates have been allocated services.

The allocation of services to the recommended candidates by UPSC is based on the Civil Services Examination 2022, including IAS, IFS, IPS, Central Civil Services, Group ‘A,’ and Group ‘B’ Service Allocation – 1st Iteration.

As per the list, 174 have been allocated IAS, 197 IPS, 163 IRS, 35 IFS, 26 IA&AS, 10 ICAS, 11 IDES, 6 IPOS, 5 DANIPS, 22 IDAS, 2 ITS, 4 DANICS, 2 PONDICS, and 7 ICLS.


Service Allocation to candidates recommended by UPSC, based on CSE 2022, is subject to the outcome of OA No. 1860/2023 filed before Ld. CAT, PB, New Delhi.

  • – The Service Allocation of the candidates [against whose name (*) an asterisk is marked] is provisional and, therefore, they may have a chance for upgradation of the Service. This status of their Service Allocation is provisional because some candidates are ranked higher in the order of merit list, and their candidature is not accepted/cleared due to incomplete medical status, or they remain provisional on account of verification of certificates pertaining to educational qualifications or due to pending verification of claims of various kinds of reservation.

iii. It is further clarified that the upgradation of Service shall not be done against the vacancies arisen due to the cancellation of candidature of higher merit candidates or non-joining of any candidate to the allocated Service, death/resignation after joining the Service, claim of reservation or eligibility documents found invalid on verification even after joining the Service, etc.

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iv. § – Allocated against Unreserved (UR) vacancy as he/she is a General Merit (GM) Candidate.


OH: Orthopedically Handicapped (LDCP)
VI: Visual Impairment
HI: Hearing Impairment
MD: Multiple Disabilities
UR: Unreserved
EWS: Economically Weaker Section
O.B.C.: Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer)
S.C.: Scheduled Caste
S.T.: Scheduled Tribe

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