Nahjul Balagha in Urdu PDF

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Nahjul Balagha contains the most famous collection of sermons, sayings, letters, tafsirs attributed to Muhammad’s cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. This collection was collected by a Shia scholar Al-Sharif al-Radi in the 10th century AD (4th century AH). Nahjul Balagha is considered a masterpiece of literature in Shia Islam.

Author Al-Sharif al-Radi
languageArabic/ Urdu

The book contains the ideology of Ali ibn Abi Talib for establishing an Islamic government. In addition, he nominated for a balance between rights and duties. He also believed that whoever has more responsibility also has more rights. has been done.

The purpose of this book is to reflect the eloquence of Ali ibn Abi Talib, although in this book you do not find all the teachings of Ali, but it contains sections that are considered to be of great literary origin.

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