Tamil Nadu District Name List PDF

Tamil Nadu 38 District Name List PDF Download

Hi, readers today we are going to share with you all the complete district name list pdf (தமிழ்நாட்டின் மாவட்டங்கள்) of Tamil Nadu state. it is a state in southern India and its capital is Chennai. Tamil Nadu borders the Indian Union Territories of Puducherry and Karnataka, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh, as well as along the international maritime border with Sri Lanka.

There is a total of 38 districts in Tamil Nadu till 2022. According to the 2011 census, the total population of Tamil Nadu is approximately 7,21,47,030 and its area is 1,30,058 km. The economy of TN is the second largest economy of India with 21.6 trillion GSDP. Tamil Nadu is the largest Indian state in India by area and the largest state by population.

Name of StateTamil Nadu
Formation26 January 1950

The Tamil language is mostly spoken in Tamil Nadu, while apart from this, the English language has been declared as an additional official language for the purpose of communication. Tamil was the first language recognized as a classical language of India when India adopted the national standards.

ALL TN District List

No.மாவட்டம்DistrictDate of the official formation
1.அரியலூர்Ariyalur23 November 2007
2.செங்கல்பட்டுChengalpattu29 November 2019
3.சென்னைChennai1 November 1956
4.கோயம்புத்தூர்Coimbatore1 November 1956
5.கடலூர்Cuddalore30 September 1993
6.தருமபுரிDharmapuri2 October 1965
7.திண்டுக்கல்Dindigul15 September 1985
8.ஈரோடுErode31 August 1979
9.கள்ளக்குறிச்சிKallakurichi26 November 2019
10.காஞ்சிபுரம்Kanchipuram1 July 1997
11.கன்னியாகுமரிKanyakumari1 November 1956
12.கரூர்Karur30 September 1995
13.கிருட்டிணகிரிKrishnagiri9 February 2004
14.மதுரைMadurai1 November 1956
15.மயிலாடுதுறைMayiladuthurai28 December 2020
16.நாகப்பட்டினம்Nagapattinam18 October 1991
17.நாமக்கல்Namakkal1 January 1997
18.நீலகிரிNilgiris1 November 1956
19.பெரம்பலூர்Perambalur30 September 1995
20.புதுக்கோட்டைPudukkottai14 January 1974
21.இராமநாதபுரம்Ramanathapuram1 November 1956
22.இராணிப்பேட்டைRanipet28 November 2019
23.சேலம்Salem1 November 1956
24.சிவகங்கைSivagangai15 March 1985
25.தென்காசிTenkasi22 November 2019
26.தஞ்சாவூர்Thanjavur1 November 1956
27.தேனிTheni25 July 1996
28.தூத்துக்குடிThoothukudi20 October 1986
29.திருச்சிராப்பள்ளிTiruchirappalli1 November 1956
30.திருநெல்வேலிTirunelveli1 November 1956
31.திருப்பத்தூர்Tirupattur28 November 2019
32.திருப்பூர்Tiruppur22 February 2009
33.திருவள்ளூர்Tiruvallur1 July 1997
34.திருவண்ணாமலைTiruvannamalai30 September 1989
35.திருவாரூர்Tiruvarur18 October 1991
36.வேலூர்Vellore30 September 1989
37.விழுப்புரம்Viluppuram30 September 1993
38.விருதுநகர்Virudhunagar15 March 1985

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