Hindustan Unilever Products List PDF

Hindustan Unilever Products List Catalogue Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is an Indian consumer goods company headquartered in Mumbai, India.

It is a subsidiary of Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch company. Its products include foods, beverages, cleaning agents, personal care products, water purifiers and other fast-moving consumer goods.

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HUL was established in 1931 as Hindustan Vanaspati Manufacturing Co. and following a merger of constituent groups in 1956, it was renamed Hindustan Lever Limited. The company was renamed in June 2007 as Hindustan Unilever Limited.

we have listed all the product of HU which you can see the below but if you want to get the complete list in pdf format so you will have to download pdf from the given link below.

Hindustan Unilever Limited is one of the fastest growing consumer goods company in India in the last 85 years. Many Indians use this product every day. HUL works every day to create a better future. And helping people feel good, look good and get the most out of life with brands and services that are good for them and the planet.

Brands and products


  • Bru coffee
  • Roses, Taj Mahal, Taaza, Red Label Tea
  • Horlicks


  • Active Wheel detergent
  • Domex disinfectant/toilet cleaner
  • Surf Excel
  • Vim dishwash

Personal care

  • Brylcreem hair cream and hair gel
  • Clear anti-dandruff hair products
  • Clinic Plus shampoo and oil
  • Close Up toothpaste
  • Indulekha ayurvedic hair oil
  • Lux soap, body wash and deodorant
See also  Chemistry Lab Equipment Names List PDF

Water purifier

  • Pureit

you all can download complete Hindustan Unilever Products catalogue PDF from the given link below.

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